How to create your own gaming site

But how do you create your own gaming site from scratch? How do you make it profitable? Let’s see the main steps in this article

Gaming is becoming much more than a passion in recent times. There are many, in fact, those who manage to make a profit through video games. No, we are not talking about developers or those who work directly in the industry, but about users who, through live video of game sessions or, even better, thanks to the creation of their own site dedicated to gaming, have managed to make this passion much more than a simple pastime.

But how do you create your own gaming site from scratch? How do you make it profitable? We see below the main steps to take to create a website dedicated to gaming, assuming that it is always good to choose a suitable hosting site.

1. Plan

Before jumping headlong into any project, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what you want and this is no exception. What kind of site would you like to create? What is the sub-category of gaming that interests you the most?

In fact, it is good to immediately decide the type of setting you want to use and which target to address, so as to adapt the style, tone, topics to be proposed and possibly also the frequency of publication accordingly. You can choose to create a generic gaming blog, where you talk about the latest industry news, or a review site, where you and any of your collaborators review and recommend the games of the moment. You could also choose a more niche but still expanding sector, such as eSports, or create a site that hosts various streamers, famous or not.

2. Choose a host

How to choose the best host for your site? Generally, each host has its strengths and weaknesses, but depending on the type of setting you want to give your site, there are more or less suitable.

It is not uncommon to find the opportunity to open a site totally free, obviously you just need to know how to search and, sometimes, it is not even necessary to settle for something of low quality. Conversely, many other hosting sites tend to charge a monthly subscription which, although low, could still be a problem at first.

3. Create a domain

Once you have contacted your hosting site and agreed on a plan, you just have to think about the name to give to your domain and, finally, create one. The domain is the permanent internet address of your site and you can choose the one you prefer, as long as it is not already in use by someone else. Our advice is to create a memorable name, so that it has more impact on target users and remains etched in their memory.

It could also be useful to incorporate in the name the keywords related to the topic you want to deal with, that is the keywords that facilitate the search on the web (it could be convenient for you to find out more about SEO, Search Engine Optimization, that is the optimization of websites for search engines). You can also help you choose the right keywords by using the Google Ads Keyword Planner.

How to create your own gaming site

4. Customize your site

Now is the time to customize your site. After your host has provided you with the necessary platform to lean on, you can finally dedicate yourself to the visual part, as essential to attract the attention of the public as the content. Choose captivating graphics, which are suitable for the topics you want to cover and which will remain etched in the minds of your visitors.

For example, you will need to think about the font, background image and order in which the contents will appear. You can also choose the appearance that the various keys needed to navigate the site, the position and structure of the menu and the page logo will have, also deciding whether to make the latter coincide with the key to return to the home.

5. Start adding content

The visual aspect of your site is ready and then you just have to start creating and adding content. If you have chosen to create a blog or a review site, you will therefore have to gradually add various articles related to the topic; if you have chosen to create a gaming server and host other players who show you how to play live, you will need to go a step further.

Depending on the game you want to set up, the steps may vary, so we recommend that you read the instructions provided directly by the game developers for situations like these. Don’t worry, as it is a widespread and ever-expanding practice, almost all video games provide detailed instructions on how to proceed in these situations.

6. Advertise

This last step is optional, but very useful if you want to make yourself known in a short time and get a lot of following soon. Not everyone, rightly, is willing to invest immediately in a new project, but if you have great faith in your idea, you can think of putting some ads on Facebook, specifying the target that interests you, or, even better, on Twitch.

If you know streamers with a large following, you can even ask them to talk about your site in one of the live shows. Never underestimate the power of web marketing! You now have all the knowledge you need to create your first gaming site, all you have to do is put them into practice.