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How to drive in heavy rain: tips and tricks

In this winter period in which it is very easy to come across atmospheric phenomena that make driving more difficult, it is better to know how to behave in these situations: today we will see together some tricks and tips on how to drive in heavy rain

We have often talked about road safety and how important it is, both for us and for other road users. Last time we dedicated an article in which we gave advice on how to drive in fog, another very dangerous phenomenon when we find ourselves in the middle of the road. Now let’s talk about rain, which is a more common phenomenon, but not to be underestimated. Although rain is something we see almost every day in winter, it is always better to know what to do.

How to drive in heavy rain: tips and tricks

Things not to do | How to drive in heavy rain: tips and tricks

The first warning we want to give you is that of stay at home. If the rain is too heavy and vision is limited, the best choice to make is to do not drive. But if you really have to move, or maybe a heavy downpour hits your face, avoid moving forward and stop. If the rain is too heavy, visibility is poor and it becomes too dangerous to drive, pull over and wait for it to calm down.

How to drive in heavy rain: tips and tricks

Low speed | How to drive in heavy rain: tips and tricks

The water we find on the road can, in most cases, be of a much greater quantity than that which falls. When it rains, in fact, it is inevitable that the road becomes very slippery and therefore increases the risk of skidding. Slipping on wet asphalt, in fact, is a very well-known phenomenon that is commonly called acquaplaning. To prevent the car from skidding on the asphalt and losing control, continue at low speed it is the best choice you can make, because it greatly reduces the risk of slipping.

How to drive in heavy rain: tips and tricks

Don’t oversteer | How to drive in heavy rain: tips and tricks

When driving on wet asphalt, not only when there is heavy rain, but also when there is snow, it often happens be overcome by anxiety. This anxiety leads us to correct the trajectory of the wheels several times and to intervene too many times on the steering wheel, and there is nothing more wrong to do in these cases. A very important thing to do is to keep calm and especially slow down progressivelywithout braking too sharply, or you risk aquaplaning.

How to drive in heavy rain: tips and tricks

Check the wheels | How to drive in heavy rain: tips and tricks

It is no coincidence that the wheels of ordinary cars that drive around the streets have a different type of wheels from the smooth ones of Formula 1. These wheels are created specifically to have more stability and therefore avoid skidding the car. These wheels are the salvation in these cases, but only when they are intact, so it is very important periodically check the condition of the wheels to make sure there are no risks. We highly recommend checking them out Once a monthbecause the more you drive, the more they wear out.

How to drive in heavy rain: tips and tricks

Make good use of the lights | How to drive in heavy rain: tips and tricks

Another precaution to take into account is that of make good use of the car lights. First of all it is very important to keep them turned on all daynot so much to see well, but more to make us more visible to others. But be careful, because these lights must be used well, in fact if we have a car in front of us or even behind us, it is important keep the lights low, especially in case of rain. In fact, raindrops reflect the light from the headlights and make driving more difficult for other road users.

How to drive in heavy rain: tips and tricksKeep your distance | How to drive in heavy rain: tips and tricks

Another piece of advice to follow is to keep a safe distance. Considering everything we have said so far, when the asphalt is wet, it’s much easier to slide, especially when going at high speed levels. In addition to going slowly, in fact, it is a very wise choice to keep a distance between vehicles, so as to have room to maneuver when braking. This counts especially for large vehicleslike trucks and buses, and also for motorcycles.

How to drive in heavy rain: tips and tricks

Humility is the first thing

When driving in heavy rain, but this in general, it is essential be humble and drive with extreme caution. First of all, we must not underestimate the rain because, as we have already said, the risk of slippage is high. It doesn’t matter what condition the wheels are in, even if they are impeccable there is a risk. Also don’t overestimate the car, it always needs to be maintained and must always be under control. Finally, you can be as skilled as you want, but you cannot do the phenomenon under any circumstances, drive with the utmost attention and do not be arrogant towards other users.

We hope these tips have been useful to you. Continue to follow us on techgameworld.com for other guides from the world of motoring and so on.