Come proteggere lo smartphone durante l'estate? Ecco i consigli di CertiDeal thumbnail

How to protect your smartphone during the summer? Here are the tips from CertiDeal

How to protect your smartphone during the summer?  Here are the tips from CertiDeal thumbnail

How to protect your smartphone during the summer? He reveals it to us CertiDealthe site specializing in refurbished tech devices including iPhone, Samsung and iPad.

How to protect your smartphone during the summer? Here are the tips from CertiDeal

iPhone 14 Pro display

According to a CertiDeal survey, about 5% of users change your device back from vacation, after spending some time at the sea and in the mountains.

In fact, during the summer the outdoor activities are plentiful and, even the use of their mobile phones increases. Take photos, listen to music, record videos and much more. In short, all the most common summer habits such as going to the pool, the beach or the mountains are accompanied from the use of your smartphone.

And it is precisely because of thehigh exposure to heatat the sandall’water o alla dust which increase i risk of wear and tear on your phone. Don’t worry though, because CertiDeal tells us how to take care of our smartphone.

  • Beware of fresh and salt water.
    • The photos by the sea are beautiful, but according to a CertiDeal survey, 5% of users change their smartphone due to the damage that the sea would cause to the device. Many devices are waterproofHowever, this does not mean that you have to immerse them in the sea or in the pool. So pay attention to sea water, chlorine and remember to dry your hands completely before touching your smartphone.
  • Sun creams and oils, yes, but far from the mobile phone.
    • Protect the skin from the sun’s rays it is essential during the summer months and hours of sun exposure. However we must be careful as sunscreen can damage our device. As with water, therefore, it is essential keep your hands clean after spreading the cream.

Other tips

  • Beware of the battery.
    • The 100% battery is a necessity for the day, but in the summer with rising temperatures it is necessary check it out a little more. The heat paired with the current flow of the socket is a combination that directly affects the battery and that is why it is not recommended to leave it on charge for many hourso all night long. For a battery in excellent condition it is best to keep it between 60-80% charge.
  • Sand and dust: the bitter enemies.
    • In summer, the rains are drastically reduced, the environment is much drier and dust e sand are on the agenda. To avoid endangering your smartphone, the points to be protected most are undoubtedly access to the battery charger or headphones.
  • Don’t leave your phone in the car.
    • During the trips, the transports are varied and you have to pay attention to the steam that is created by the heat of the vehicles. This vapor directly affects the lithium-ion battery, even if you keep your smartphone in the glove compartment or under the seat. The same wireless charging, very convenient and fast, generates heat and reduces the quality and battery life of the phone. So, don’t forget your phone in the car.

For more information you can consult the official site.

Veronica Ronnie Lorenzini

Video games, TV series at any time of the day, films and a cup of hot tea: repeat if necessary.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.