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How to secure (free) twitter account

If you want to secure yours account Twitter – and any other account – the best method is to activate thetwo-factor authentication. Unfortunately, however, the social network recently announced that it will allow unlock the Twitter profile with an SMS code only to those who have a subscription Twitter Blue. But this does not mean that those who do not pay 8 euros for a blue check should be less safe. In fact, there are some alternatives that cost nothing. And that according to security experts, they are also safer.

Twitter, how to activate two-factor authentication – for free

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Recently, Twitter announced that as of March 20, Twitter users will no longer be able to use the a authentication feature SMS-based two-factor to protect your free accounts. Only people who Frpay 8 euros a month for Twitter Blue they can use it.

One way to push subscription adoption for social media. Instagram and Facebook also announced a subscription for blue checks, but tying it to a security measure for many is a low blow. But the truth is, there are free and safer ways to design your own account.

A password is not enough: why use multi-factor authentication

Twitter API

A strong, unique password often protects online accounts effectively. But that alone is not enough. This is why more and more online companies invite you to secure your account with two-factor authentication, that allows a site or service to confirm your identity through a third-party device.

There are three common methods of authentication:

  • sending a code to telephone via SMS or email,
  • the use of a code that updates every minute from a‘authentication app
  • entering or tapping a physical security key

This way, the criminals should both have access to your device and know your password: this greatly reduces the risk.

SMS authentication is often more convenient, so it is widely adopted. But experts have long been saying it’s as secure as using an authenticator app or a security key. Indeed some modes of attack known as SIM swapping (where hackers copy your SIM card) or social engineering (where hackers trick you into giving them the codes).

The option that Twitter will pay for is therefore very convenient, but not as safe.

How to enable two-factor authentication on Twitter account

Having a physical key becomes a convenient option for some, but for most users, the best approach is to use an authenticator app to log in. They are almost all free and simple to use, as well as safer: the code appears in the app and changes every 30 or 60 secondsi, just type it after writing the password to enter.

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There are several applications that you can use. We use Google Authenticator (iOS, Android), because it’s simple and solid. But you can also opt for Microsoft Authenthicator, Authy by Twilio, Raivo or 1Password. Anyone with an iPhone can simply use AutoFill, which works on the same principle, without downloading any apps. Once you download one of these, you need to:

  • Open Twitter from your browser (preferably on PC)
  • Go up Settings and supportTherefore Settings and privacy
  • In Security and account accesschoose Safety and then Two-factor authentication (or click Who)
  • Among the various options, choose “Authentication apps” (those who have physical access keys can select them here)
  • Enter your password
  • Click “Link apps“, a page will open with a codice QR
  • Open the authenticator app on your smartphone and choose add (there is usually a button with a clearly visible “+” sign), then frame the QR Code
  • Twitter provides a recovery code, which you should save in your password manager for security

If you previously used message authentication, you need to go an extra mile. Under Settings and Privacy, click on:

  • Your account
  • Select Account Information
  • They are Telephone choose Delete the phone number

Now your account will remain safe, without having to sign up for Twitter Blue: in fact, it will be even more so.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.