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How to understand if someone has blocked you on Telegram

Do you suspect that someone no longer wants to receive Telegram messages or calls from you? In this guide you will discover how to understand if someone has blocked you on Telegram through these signals

You may have had a chat with someone and that person at some point It seems no longer reachable. We have already mentioned ghosting in this guide which will help you understand if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp. Today, however, we will talk about the case of Telegram, which practically has the same signals as WhatsApp. In this guide you will discover the signs that will help you understand if someone has blocked you on Telegram.

How to understand if someone has blocked you on Telegram

Messages not received | How to understand if someone has blocked you on Telegram

The first sign that helps you understand if someone has blocked you on Telegram is the fact that the person you wanted to contact does not receive your messages. To understand that the contact is not receiving messages, just pay attention to the double tick. If there is, then the contact has not blocked you, but if only a single tick remains, he probably blocked you. But be careful, we said “probably,” so it could also simply be that the recipient is in a place where there is no signal or simply doesn’t have cellular data turned on.

How to understand if someone has blocked you on Telegram

Missing profile photo | How to understand if someone has blocked you on Telegram

Another sign that could indicate that someone has blocked you on Telegram is the Missing profile photo. You can notice this sign when you no longer see your profile picture and instead you see the initial letter of contact. Besides this, you will also notice that all the profile pictures he had previously set they will no longer be visible. This is a clear sign that the contact has blocked you.

How to understand if someone has blocked you on Telegram

Calls don’t go out | How to understand if someone has blocked you on Telegram

The fastest way to tell if a person has blocked you is call the contact in question. If by chance, when you call, the call it stops almost instantly, then it is confirmed that that person has blocked you. She will happen to you, in fact, that the call it won’t even leave. At most the call will last two seconds, but you won’t hear a single ring. This is the quickest way to check if a person has blocked you on Telegram and also the most effective.

How to understand if someone has blocked you on Telegram

The last seen is not seen | How to understand if a person has blocked you on Telegram

One last sign that confirms that the contact has blocked you is the fact that you cannot see the last login of the person concerned. In fact, when you contact someone, you can always notice that, when someone leaves the application, you can always see when it was last online. However, if you notice that the last seen online is not noticeable, then that is proof that you can no longer contact that person. However, this depends on the contact settings, in fact in the privacy settings you can also choose not to show your last seen time.

How to understand if someone has blocked you on Telegram

How to fight ghosting

When someone blocks you on social media, It’s inevitable that you’ll be disappointed. Especially if that person you were talking to was someone you cared about, like a close friend or even someone you’re in a long-distance relationship with. To fight the ghosting there are various ways, such as talking about it with a friend, distracting yourself by playing a console, listening to music, anything so you can move on and not think about that person.

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