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How to understand if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp

This is a very annoying thing which, in some cases, can become truly horrible, but you absolutely need to keep calm and analyze the situation: in this guide you will discover how to understand if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp

We have already talked about some tricks to use on WhatsApp, such as an app to spy on WhatsApp, which allows you to understand what you are doing with the app. For example, what you send, what photos and videos you share, the moment a person comes online and much more. Now, however, let’s talk about a very delicate topic, namely ghosting. Have you happened to no longer be able to see the profile picture of the person you wanted to contact? Can’t see when the last time you logged in was? He probably blocked you.

How to understand if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp

Online Status | How to understand if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp

The first sign that might make you realize that a person has blocked you could be to not being able to see the states. But be careful, it could also simply be that it made the states not visible to you. If, however, you notice that, in addition to not being able to see the statuses of the person you wanted to contact, you can’t see them either the last time you logged inthen this is where things start to get a little more worrying and it may have blocked you.

How to understand if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp

Profile picture | How to understand if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp

If you also notice that you cannot see theprofile picture of contact, perhaps only noticing a neutral white man, this is another blocking signal. When someone blocks you on WhatsApp, it always happens that you can no longer see their profile picture. Not only that, you will no longer be able to see all the profile pictures as it changes time after time and consequently you can no longer even see the picture it had when you spoke to it.

How to understand if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp

Single tick | How to understand if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp

Another warning sign when someone has blocked you on WhatsApp: when you send messages the double tick never arrives. If only one tick remains, it means that the message was not received, this happens precisely when someone has blocked you. However, if the double tick arrives, it means that the message has been delivered and that, therefore, that person has not blocked you. Pay attention to what you see, an extra tick makes the difference.

How to understand if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp

Calls don’t go out | How to understand if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp

The latest sign that confirms that the person you were chatting with has blocked you on WhatsApp. When you try to make WhatsApp calls, these calls do not go through. In fact, it will happen that, when you try to call the contact directly, the call disconnects immediately and therefore does not give you the slightest chance of being able to get in touch with that person. You will be able to try continuously, but the contact will not receive the call.

How to understand if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp

Go on

Regardless of the causes that led to this block, don’t despair. Unfortunately these things happen very often and can be very painful, especially when you have a relationship with that person who blocked you long distance relationship. It can be very sad indeed, which may make you feel bad for some time. But if that person has blocked you, there is a reason and as much as he might take a break from you, he might not want you in his life anymore. The last piece of advice we want to give you is to to move onthat person probably didn’t deserve you and in fact, you can have better.

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