Come utilizzare Hive Social, piattaforma alternativa a Twitter thumbnail

How to use Hive Social, an alternative platform to Twitter

In recent weeks many users are looking social network alternativi, especially to escape from Twitter. And if there are so many interesting possibilities, it seems that most of the users prefer Hive Social: here’s how to use this new platform.

How to use Hive Social

Elon Musk recently readmitted several banned users by doing a poll on Twitter, quoting the Latin proverb “vox populi, vox dei”. The voice of the people also seems to have elected Hive Social as the best alternative to Twitter.

If Mastodon, with its decentralized servers, seems complicated for newbies, Hive social allows you to post images and texts with no character limit. It already has the editing function that Twitter only offers for a fee, and even allows you to customize colors and songs on your profile. And even if the influx of users these days has created some problems for the servers, managed by a still small number of engineers, it seems that it could soon grow.

hive social alternative min

How to register an account

If you want to start social media, you must first download the mobile app: There is currently no desktop version. And the one for Android is still in the testing phase, so you may have a few more problems than those with an iPhone.

‎Hive Social

‎Hive Social

Hive Social

Hive Social

Once downloaded, open the app and click on Create an account. At this point you must:

  • Register one email or phone number. On this channel you will also receive the verification code to enable the account, so make sure you have access to it
  • You choose username and name to show to other users
  • You can choose your interests: from technology to anime, via memes and space
  • Done! But if you want to customize your profile:
    • Touch the profile icon at the top right
    • Click the wheel Settings top right
    • Here you can choose the colors of the profile theme

If, on the other hand, you want to set a song for your profile, enter your personal profile and click on it Musical note. Connect Spotify o Apple Music. Now you can choose between free songs, or buy one for $0.99. Choose your favorite and then tap the purple “+” symbol.

Now you just have to explore the platform, publish posts and photographs. To understand if it can be your new social home.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.