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Hype ecovillages: what they are and why everyone wants to live in contact with nature

In June 2021, a year ago, Google searches for eco-villages quadrupled (Google Trends data): a real surge that seems destined to repeat itself in view of summer 2022

Far from the noise and frenzy of the city, surrounded by greenery in close contact with nature and other human beings, in an alternative community to today’s society: no, it is not a utopia.

It’s one ecovillage, a place where several people come together to live together following the principles of sustainability, sharing and participation. More and more sought, more and more desired.

These are real ecological communities spread all over the world. As reported by the infographic “Looking for green places: eco-villages in Italy” created by VIVI Energia, in Italy there are 45of which 29 are already active and registered with the RIVE (Italian Network of Ecological Villages), the main Italian body that promotes synergistic relationships between eco-villages and environmental sustainability associations.

Hype ecovillages: what they are and why everyone wants to live in contact with nature

These ecological villages are mostly distributed in the North and Central Italy, where 48.9% and 44.4% of the total are respectively found. The South is at the bottom, with only 3 ecovillages. At the regional level, the top step of the podium is occupied by Tuscanywith good 14 structures. Then follow the Veneto and Emilia-Romagna, which have respectively 7 and 5 ecological villages.

The largest, however, is located in Piedmont, in the province of Turin: it is the Damanhur Community Federation. With its 250 hectares within a radius of 15 km and over 1000 inhabitants, it is one of the largest ecovillages in the world.