Hyundai, insieme con Healthy Seas a tutela del mare di Lampedusa thumbnail

Hyundai and Healty Seas together for the sea of ​​Lampedusa

The seas and their beauty are dear to Hyundaithat with Healthy Seas protects the waters of Lampedusa.

Hyundai, together with Healthy Seas to protect the sea of ​​Lampedusa, press office sourceHyundai, together with Healthy Seas to protect the sea of ​​Lampedusa, press office source

The initiative

After the cleaning operation a Sea Cough (Spain) which kicked off the third year of collaboration between Hyundai e Healthy Seas. At the end of June, the partnership is enriched with a new project in the Mediterranean Sea, on a route from Lampedusa to Tunisia.

The expedition proves to be one of the most challenging and rewarding as the divers – volunteers from five countries – face particularly difficult working conditions. Like the remote location from the coast and the limited resources on board.

A delicate and extraordinary operation

The operation lasted eight days and ended on June 29, leading to the recovery from the seabed of almost a ton of abandoned fishing materials.

At the heart of the cleaning operation is an extraordinary context. A WWII wreck sunk during the Battle of the Convoys, still containing several aircraft and vehicle bombs.

An absolutely unconventional scenario for a cleaning operation, but fundamental for the protection of the marine ecosystem.

Pascal Van Erp, Deputy Director of Healthy Seas and Founder of Ghost Diving, explained: “Wrecks are an excellent habitat for marine life, acting as a barrier and shelter. At the same time they are the sites where fishing nets get stuck more easily. An estimated 640,000 tons of fishing gear is lost or abandoned in the world’s oceans annually, causing suffering or death to millions of marine life.

This mission also had the purpose of documenting how wrecks are historical and cultural testimonies. By collecting over 12,000 photos and using photogrammetric techniques, virtual 3D models were created to make the wrecks accessible to scientists and a wider audience.

A 700 kg net was also recovered, which was subsequently moved so as not to further damage the marine life and make it easier for other divers to approach. Healthy Seas then conducted a thorough analysis of the material and texture and subsequently sent the net to facilities capable of recovering and regenerating it.

Hyundai, together with Healthy Seas to protect the sea of ​​Lampedusa, press office sourceHyundai, together with Healthy Seas to protect the sea of ​​Lampedusa, press office source

“We are proud to continue our partnership with Healthy Seas and work together to promote the conservation of the marine environment,” he said Michael Cole, President and CEO of Hyundai Motor Europe. “Thanks to our joint efforts, we have not only tackled challenging cleanup projects, but also raised people’s awareness of the importance of preserving marine heritage. Hyundai is constantly striving to adopt sustainable practices and to promote the well-being of our seas “.

Following the vision “Progress for humanity”, Hyundai aims to create shared value by building a sustainable business ecosystem. This mission inspired the company’s latest Create Shared Value (CSV) initiative, “Hyundai Continue”.

“Hyundai Continue” works for a sustainable future through three main strands: with “Continue Earth” Hyundai takes care of the planet and fights climate change; with “Continue Mobility” it makes mobility safer and more affordable for everyone through technology, and with “Continue Hope” it takes care of future generations, supporting the growth of young talents.

John Vassallo is a versatile writer who covers two fascinating realms: Automobiles and Electronics. With a deep knowledge and passion for both industries, John brings you the latest updates, trends, and insights in these dynamic fields. From the latest car models, automotive innovations, and advancements in electric and autonomous technologies, to cutting-edge electronics, gadgets, and emerging tech trends, John's articles provide comprehensive coverage to keep you informed.