Iliad vuole comprare Vodafone: la conferma arriva dal CEO thumbnail

Iliad cornered by the Jury

Iliad cornered by the Jury thumbnail

Iliad back in the viewfinder of the He swore. This time, the advertising self-regulatory institute is irritated by a commercial of the company, to which have been added some posters reported by WindTre and Vodafone. In particular, phrases such as “9 MILLION people have already chosen Iliad. And you? TRUST WHO HAS IT “or” FIRST mobile OPERATOR in Italy for quality / price “. Not to mention the statement “between you it seemed different, but in the end he TOLD YOU ONLY BALLS”. In short, Iliad seems to have released misleading and disparaging advertising, which the Jury did not like at all. So let’s try to understand what happened.

Iliad: the Jury accuses the company of misleading advertising

Bad news for Iliad, who seems forced to remove commercials which the Jury has defined as deceptive. “The Jury, having examined the documents and having heard the parties, declares that the first three messages examined are in contrast with art. 2 CA and the one conveyed through the Facebook page is in contrast with art. 14 of the same CA and therefore orders its termination “. This is the extract of the device that demonstrates the decision of the Advertising Self-Regulation Institute. In any case, to have the full sentence it will be necessary to wait a few more days.

A few hours after the device was released, it arrived right away Iliad’s answer. “More than four years of activity show that for Iliad transparency and attention to the user are a fact, not an advertising claim: this is certified by various third-party institutes, but above all it is certified by the trust placed in us by an ever-increasing number of users. We are surprised that the dispute comes from operators whose history is full of complaints and convictions for behaviors that certainly do not go in the direction of transparency and user protection “. Indeed, the company said it was “surprised” that Vodafone and WindTre reported its deceptive behavior. On the other hand, Iliad does not seem to have been the only one to have trodden the hand with advertising.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.