Influencer marketing e i trend social 2023 secondo Skeepers thumbnail

Influencer marketing e i trend social 2023 secondo Skeepers

Staying up to date with social platform trends isn’t just about knowing what’s on TikTok and which memes dominate which feeds. THE social networks are an economic opportunity for many creators and a way to get known that i brand they cannot ignore. To understand the most important 2023 social trends, Skeepers published a guide on the “Future of Influencer Marketing”. From which some data emerge: the importance of TikTok and Instagram, the continued relevance of content on YouTube. But also the role of virtual influencers, podcasts and the metaverse.

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Influencer marketing: i trend social 2023 secondo Skeepers

Skeepers explains that the key platform for those who want to do marketing remains this year as well TikTok. While other realities like BeReal (which we tested here) are emerging, TikTok consolidates its importance even more. Indeed, the confirmation: over 3.5 billion people have downloaded it, more than a billion users actively use it. Among these, there are 10.8 million Italians between the ages of 16 and 64.

Not only is it the most downloaded, but also the one where users spend the most time: on average, users spend 95 minutes a day. The Chinese application has a younger audience than its main competitors, as well as content creators are on average younger. More and more people in this age group recognize it not only as a source of entertainment, but also of information.

Therefore, it is impossible for companies not to use this channel for social selling, especially if they want to target a young audience. Also because, explains Skeepers, 56% of users decide to buy a brand’s products after seeing it on TikTok.

Instagram e YouTube

If TikTok’s dynamism can’t be ignored, Skeepers explains in its guide to influencer marketing that Instagram it has obvious advantages. Above all because it lends itself very much to the “product placement“: Contacting a creator for a product photography is very convenient. Because in the description or in the stories you can add all the information to buy the product, whatever it is.

With more than 500 million daily users, of which 85% follow at least one brand, Instagram is perfect for social selling and live shopping. Furthermore, in the Shop section, companies can have an enormous “conversion rate”, launching marketing campaigns that lead to purchases or to retain users. Skeeper also explains that the 65% of social media campaigns come from Europe.

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But don’t forget the importance of YouTube, which even after years of its launch remains a huge platform. In fact, it has over two billion active users per month and even generates the 37% of global internet trafficAnd. So it’s perfect for engaging your audience – and also monetizing your videos.

The better the product reviews and insights on YouTube, the higher the online conversion rate – an essential resource for companies. For this YouTube in 2022 launched Live Shopping e Video Shopping, allowing influencers to create promotional videos. Consider that 90% of users have discovered a new brand through the platform, which remains fundamental.

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Virtual influencers, podcasts and other 2023 influencer marketing trends according to Skeepers

In addition to the classic channels, there are several new realities that are going to involve especially the younger Millennials and Gen Z. Among these, for example, the issue metaverso e in generate marketing in VR. In addition, they play an increasingly important role virtual influencers: characters created directly by the brands to allow you to have total control over your own “virtual spokespersons“.

Finally, great attention to the world of podcastwhich intercepts almost the 40% of GenZ with their own content: a fact that cannot be ignored when talking about influencer marketing in 2023.

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However, a transversal figure that emerges from the Skeepers study concerns the two most important values ​​for brands and influencers: authenticity e transparency. Which are leading to giving more weight to micro and nano influencers, as well as user-generated recommendations for brands. Furthermore, the importance of environmental and social responsibility is growing.

Andrea Scotti, Country Manager of Skeepers Italia explains: “More and more companies are embracing micro and nano influencing strategies because they offer a more concrete and direct message to the user. The strength lies precisely in the bond between the user and the influencer: an equal relationship that makes the message conveyed, similar to a friend’s advice”.

Also Sabrina AgasucciAccount Executive for Skeepers, agrees: “Taking advantage of the possibility of having the micro and nano influencers as brand ambassadors is therefore an opportunity not to be missed, because unlike macro and VIPs, their style of life is much more similar to that of an “ordinary” person.

You can learn more about the topic on the website Skeepers and you can download the full report here.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.