Injustice 2 Mobile: debutta Wonder Woman Classica thumbnail

Injustice 2 Mobile: Wonder Woman Classic debuts

Injustice 2 Mobile: debutta Wonder Woman Classica thumbnail

In honor ofWonder Woman 80th birthday a number of interesting new features are planned in Injustice 2 Mobile. The game, starting October 19, will record the debut of Wonder Woman Classica. It is a new fighter based on the first paper appearances of the super heroine. The new content arrives just before the Wonder Woman Day event scheduled for October 21st.

Injustice 2 Mobile: Wonder Woman Classic arrives

The new fighter Wonder Woman Classica is about to make its debut in Injustice 2 Mobile. The new content will be available in early access exclusively through theInjustice Pass, a new beta feature that will allow users to grab a variety of in-game rewards. The first season of Injustice Pass will be called Wonder Pass and will have three options (Free, Premium and Premium +).

Premium and Premium + options will include 1-star Classic Wonder Woman which can be upgraded to 3-star in-game. With the free pass, you will be able to get the new character with a special Invasion event in November.

Many themed events scheduled

Note that from 19 October to 28 October there will be a series dWonder Woman themed special events in Injustice 2 Mobile. Most notably, Versus Wonder Woman Challenge Legendary Golden Armor is coming (available at account level 7). Also noteworthy is The Wonder Woman Challenge Queen Warrior and Wond Woman Mythical Arena.

For more details on the Wonder Woman Day you can take a look at the DC Comics site.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.