Il feed di Instagram in continuo cambiamento, più post suggeriti dall'AI thumbnail

Instagram feed, the change continues: Zuckerberg doubled up

Il feed on Instagram it is constantly changing, with greater attention in contained videos suggested by the AI instead of photographs of friends and family. But if at the beginning of the week the CEO of the social Adam Mosseri assured that they will continue to support the photographs, the CEO of the parent company Meta has instead confirmed that the changes will continue in the same direction.

The changing Instagram feed, even more AI-suggested content

For many Instagram users, the experience focused on photographs of friends and relatives, with some particularly popular influencers in the feed. instead the Instagram algorithms started showing content from people you don’t follow, but who thinks you might like it. Something that many users love about TikTok, but not everyone likes on Instagram.

But during the quarterly report on the company, the CEO of Meta Mark Zuckeberg hinted that the company intends to “more than double”The contents of Instagram recommended by the AI. So other posts suggested by the algorithms, from people you don’t know.

bud Instagram DM

According to the CEO, at the moment Instagram shows only 15% of “recommended” content by artificial intelligence. But the goal by the end of next year is to reach around 30%.

This news will not make happy the many Instagram users who have expressed concerns about these changes. The super-influencers Kim Kardashian e Kylie Jenner they publicly asked to “Stop trying to become TikTok”.

But Instagram is no stranger to these reinventions, especially since Facebook’s takeover. Today users could not do without Storiesbut just a few years ago it was Instagram that “He was trying to become Snapchat”.

So while unhappy with many users, Zuckerberg supported this increase in recommended content also to address concerns about the number of declining revenues, for the first time for the company.But it remains to be seen whether even this time it’s the right recipe.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.