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Instagram: live shopping will close from March 16th

Meta is continuing to work on improving the platform Instagram, introducing features or removing others. In this regard, the Instagram team has announced that, starting from March 16, live shopping will no longer be available. This means that it will no longer be possible to tag products during live broadcasts on your social platform.

Live shopping on Instagram will no longer be available

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Instagram has let its users know that a feature will no longer be available. It’s about live shopping, but what exactly is it for? The platform gives companies and creators the possibility to tag products when they go live. The public thus has the opportunity to buy the products added to the video or at least save them.

Because Instagram has decided to remove the feature

The developers explained why they had to remove this feature. This change should help the social network channeling attention to the products and the video itself.

In addition, Instagram is keen to reassure all those who have ever used live shopping that this decision it will not reduce their sales opportunities. Indeed, it will still be possible to set up and manage a store and developers will be able to continue to improve the shopping experiences through other ways such as updating the feed, stories, reels, announcements, and much more.


All the other available live video options are always available and have not undergone any changes by the company. Another reason that may have led Meta to remove the live shopping option is because she is doing everything to contain management costs of the platform.

Among other things, the disappearance of theicona Shopping from the bottom bar of the screen, transferring it to a less accessible area of ​​the platform. This had already alarmed shopkeepers and creators who base their work on Instagram’s Shopping feature.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.