Instagram dice addio allo Swipe Up: ecco lo sticker dedicato ai link thumbnail

Instagram says goodbye to Swipe Up: here is the sticker dedicated to links

Instagram says goodbye to Swipe Up: here is the sticker dedicated to thumbnail links

Instagram is about to do away with the Swipe Up feature altogether. In fact, the company has started notifying users that this feature will be replaced by a new sticker that will allow you to apply links inside. This sticker should be available for all users and therefore no longer just for those who reach more than 10,000 followers.

Instagram says goodbye to the Swipe Up

As far as we know at the moment, the editors of The Verge reported that “these Stickers will work in exactly the same way that Swipe Up did, with the difference that now a simple tap will be enough to open the link. This also means that users will be able to respond to stories that include a sticker, which is not possible in stories with Swipe Up “.

As it’s been over two months since testing began, Instagram appears to have finalized the latest details of the new feature and will begin rolling it out next week. For now it is unclear how the latter will be distributed to all users and whether there will be restrictions on who can use a link sticker.. However, it seems to be taken for granted that it will likely be made available to everyone.

If this were true it would be a great sign of openness for Instagram to all small influencers with less than 10K followers, who may have a new way to get in touch with their community without necessarily already having a solid starting point.

It is equally likely that in Italy we will see this function slightly behind the United States and Asia, since it would not be the first time that new functions have been added to the European market only at a later time. In any case, we will only have to wait to find out more.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.