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iPhone 13 is the best-selling series ever

Good new for Apple. According to research conducted by Consumer Intelligence Research Partners, the iPhone 13 it is earning “some of the best results in many quarters”, despite the fact that Mini model sales represent just 3% of the total in the second quarter of 2022. Yet the new series of smartphones from Apple would still seem to be among the most popular ever.

Apple iPhone 13, the best-selling series of the Cupertino company

“The four models – including 13, 13 Pro, 13 Pro Max and 13 Mini – accounted for nearly three-quarters of sales in the March quarter. Last year, at this time, the new iPhone 12 models had achieved 61% of sales. Also in this quarter, iPhone 13 had the highest share for a single model, accounting for 38% “. So he comments Josh Lowitz, partner and co-founder of CIRP. “Post-pandemic shoppers have poured into the new Apple phones, even if they only had incremental improvements over previous models. iPhone Mini continues to have a low share, with 12 and 13 Mini accounting for only 3% of sales respectively ”.

Apple iPhone 13 sales

As you can see in the image above, then, Apple’s iPhone 13 is enjoying huge success among users. A condition not shared by the Mini model, barely considered by buyers. In any case, another interesting detail is that people keep the previous smartphone for a longer period of time, effectively reversing a long-standing trend. In this regard, let us also say that Apple’s older models continue to meet the expectations of the public. iPhone 11, iPhone SE (2020) e iPhone XR they account for 15% of sales this quarter.

“Since the market has shifted to selling unsubsidized phones with installment contracts, the age of older phones has increased as owners have enjoyed using their pay phones. Recently this trend has reversed, perhaps because the options for exchanging high-value used phones have continued to improve ”. So he states Mike Levin, partner and co-founder of CIRP. In the second quarter of 2022, 20% of buyers reported having the previous phone for three years or more, compared to 34% in the second quarter of 2021. In any case, it is also likely that in the future users will decide not to replace. the smartphone immediately. The new iPhone 14 should be very similar to the current model in circulation, which certainly does not lead to a new purchase.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.