iPhone 13: la disponibilità è ora in linea con le richieste, tempi di consegna ridotti thumbnail

iPhone, production record in the last quarter of 2021

Apple made a record for the production of iPhone In the fourth quarter 2021, producing with 85.5 million units (+ 66% on a quarterly basis). An increase was expected for the launch of the iPhone 13 and the Christmas period, but the productive force with which the Apple has overcome the problems of supply chain and chip shortage amazes even analysts.

Apple records an iPhone production record in the fourth quarter of 2021

The data on production comes in the midst of a series of strategic interventions that the company of Tim Cook has fielded recently. Among these certainly the aggressive marketing campaignwhich brought the new iPhone to the attention of both enthusiasts and those who do not follow the specialized press.

The analysis of the production and sales record also includes the pricing policy of the Apple, which has been able to carve out a premium space but perceived as adequate by its buyers. The relative lowering of the older models allows you to also sell old generations of smartphone. In addition, the company was able to enter the portions of the US market that were occupied by companies that no longer sell in the US, such as Huawei. But also by investing in the Chinese market, where it passes from 10 to 16% of the market.

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Driven by strong demand, Apple was able to expand its production without fear of paying the price, asking its supply chain to raise the production rate right away. And thanks to the excellent work of the suppliers and the production choices in Cupertino, the results are there. Compared to the 200 million devices in 2020, we have risen to 233 million units produced in 2021.

But the historical rival (as well as a supplier company in many areas) Samsung remains very close, producing 71 million units during the same period. However, loses the first partial place with 20% compared to 24% of the Apple. But the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S22 should restore the conditions: the projections for the first quarter of 2022 see Samsung leads with 22% of the market and Apple to follow with 18%.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.