Bully 2 sta finalmente arrivando? I rumor si fanno più insistenti thumbnail

Is Bully 2 finally coming? The rumors become more insistent

The plans relating to the new project of Rockstar Games they are still quite smoky. After the exit of the GTA Trilogy in fact, the software house has not yet made any type of announcements and many believe that GTA 6 is still a long way off. In the past few hours, however, new rumors have emerged that seem to point in the direction of Bully 2, the sequel to the school-based title released in the PlayStation 2 era. Here’s what we know.

Rumor: is it time for Bully 2?

The insider thought about bringing back the rumors regarding Bully 2 Tom Henderson, already known for having anticipated the announcement of Call of Duty Vanguard. According to the leaker Bully 2 he should have made a surprise appearance during The Game Awards 2021, which ultimately did not happen, as there was no trace of Rockstar Games during the entire event.

Here is what Henderson writes about Twitter:

Bully 2 was slated to be a potential surprise revelation at The Game Awards last week after some people were shown material that hinted at a short-term revelation. Currently the information is unclear, and I must be rather vague, but if I hear more about it, I will talk about it soon ”.

This is all the information we currently have, but of course on the web the theories about the alleged return of this beloved are going crazy. franchise. On the other hand, the postponement of the announcement by Rockstar is understandable, if we consider the fuss that has arisen recently due to the launch of the GTA Trilogy, which could have led the software house to wait for a better time for the reveal.

A succession of rumors

It has been a few weeks now that i rumor on Bully 2 they continue to follow each other relentlessly, to the point that it is now difficult to think that something is not actually boiling in the pot, one way or another. A reference was also made to the title Rockstar internal source who, again on Twitter, referred to a Bully game not yet announced by the software house.

More recently Rockstar also has updated the video game logo, another element that has rekindled the hopes of the fans, even if in this case we are faced with an element that does not actually confirm anything, given that the studio had done the same thing a few years ago and could therefore be a simple coincidence.

Bully 2 rumor

Instead, a third insider denied the rumors, AccNgt, according to which the project would have been canceled in the now distant 2017. In short, it still seems that there is a lot of confusion about the issue, both among the leakers and among the experts and, given the silence of Rockstar and the discordant rumors it is hard to tell if the Bully sequel is in development or not.

But one thing is certain: if it is true that Rockstar originally intended to present the game during The Game Awards 2021, then it is very likely that a official announcement it won’t take long to be released, probably after the fuss generated by the GTA Trilogy has subsided.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.