Gli italiani hanno una conoscenza limitata dei loro diritti digitali thumbnail

Italians have limited knowledge of their digital rights

Italians have limited knowledge of their thumbnail digital rights

According to the results of a Eurobarometer survey published by the EU Commission, Italians know little about their digital rights. According to what emerged from the results of the survey, carried out between September and last October, only 39% of users is aware of the fact thatand rights such as freedom of expression, privacy and non-discrimination they should also be respected online. The European average appears to be significantly higher.

Only a limited part of Italians know their digital rights

The result on digital rights obtained by Italians is among the lowest in Europe. According to the survey, in fact, only Bulgaria, with a total of 34%, and Romania, with 37%, score worse than Italy in terms of knowledge of their digital rights. Comparison with the media UAnd it certifies the poor result obtained by the Italians. In the EU, in fact, about 60% of users are aware of their digital rights.

Digital tools according to Europeans

According to the study’s data, 80% of respondents believe that digital tools will bring equal advantages to disadvantages in particular due to cyber attacks. Just over half of the interviewees, about 53%, fear for the safety of the little ones. Note that the survey data will be used by EU Commission to promote: “a digital transition shaped by common European values”. More details on the news related to the rights of EU users will certainly arrive over the next few months.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.