Piano Italia 5G: in arrivo 2 miliardi di euro dall’Ue thumbnail

Italy 5G Plan: 2 billion euros from the EU

5G is a much talked about technology. Because it has fallen victim to a series of clichés that have little adherence to reality. But that photograph very well one of the worst aspects of our time, actually two. On the one hand, the ability to create psychodramas and conspiracy theories by trusting in people’s emotions. And on the other, precisely, the inclination to credulity, to blindly trust in sensational news instead of putting it to the scrutiny of reason.

Anyway, 5G will continue to develop, and the Italy 5G Plan has received good news from the European Union.

Let’s find out how 5G technology in our country has received a conspicuous boost, and then let’s see what the Italy 5G Plan, wanted by the Government, consists of.

2 billion from the EU for the Italy 5G Plan

The European Commission has approved the 2 billion euro financing plan proposed by Italy for the deployment of 5G networks in our country. The figure falls within our NRP, that is the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

The Recovery fund will therefore finance the figure, which will remain in force until June 30, 2026. And it will concretely translate into direct grants to telecommunications operators which, according to a note, will be “selected through an open, transparent tender procedure and non-discriminatory “. Furthermore, “the reuse of existing infrastructures will be encouraged”.


The measure in detail

2 billion euros, therefore, in favor of the Italy 5G Plan. The green light came from the Competition Directorate of the European Commission, which considered the sum “necessary and proportionate to remedy the market failures, in particular the fact that there are no mobile networks that adequately meet the needs of end users or are foreseen. “

But how will this figure be used? It will serve to accomplish two things. Meanwhile, efficient backhaul networks to connect mobile base stations that would still have none between now and 2026. In summary, backhaul networks are those that connect a core network to the perimeter ones. In addition, the figure will be used to build base stations necessary for the provision of 5G mobile services with certain characteristics. That is, they offer a minimum download speed of 150 Mbps and a minimum upload speed of 30 Mbps. Where? In areas of our country which, by 2026, will not be served by networks with download speeds exceeding 30 Mbps.

The words of the EU

Commission vice-president Margrethe Vestager said that thanks to the EU’s 2 billion euros, “consumers and businesses will be able to access high-quality 5G servicescontributing to the country’s economic growth and the EU’s strategic objectives relating to the digital transition. “

Furthermore, according to the Commission, the figure will help the roll-out of high-speed, high-performance mobile networks, “which private operators are unwilling to implement due to high costs, not offset by an adequate level of anticipated revenue”.

In reality, the Brussels analysis and the aid granted are, respectively, the photograph and the consequence of a bankruptcy. In fact, we read that “the measure is necessary and proportionate to remedy the failures of the market, in particular the fact that there are no mobile networks that adequately meet the needs of end users.”

Finally, the sum of 2 billion euros allocated to the Italy 5G Plan “favors competition as it guarantees wholesale access to subsidized networks”.

The Italy 5G Plan

The Italy 5G Plan is part of the NRP, presented by the Government in April 2021 and adopted in July by the European Council.

In particular, with the Italy 5G Plan, two calls were published for the development of 5G networks. For the first, 2 billion euros of incentives were made available. Figure that the European Commission has accepted to include in the National Plan for recovery and resilience.

The call for tenders for the Plan, with a precise value of 2.02 billion euros, would expire on Wednesday 27 April.

The second call provides for investment incentives for the construction of fiber optic binding of existing mobile sites up to 90% of their cost.

5G and optical fiber in Italy

The 2 billion euros in favor of the Italy 5G Plan could finally unblock a situation that is not too rosy. Between superstitions and delays, the offers of the operators are still few and timid, and even in our major cities the speed achieved still seems far from potential standards.

The amount allocated by the European Union is a good omen, and follows within a few hours the statements of the Minister of Economic Development Giancarlo Giorgetti, on optical fiber. Which were similar to a cold shower: Giorgetti in fact said that it will be impossible to expect coverage of the whole country with optical fiber by 2026, as predicted by Vittorio Colao, minister for technological innovation and digital transition.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.