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Jony Ive explains the reasons for leaving Apple

After three decades at Apple, Jony Ive he gave farewell to society of Cupertino in 2019: today finally tells the reasons behind that choice. The manager explained the “cultural change”In the company following the death of Steve Jobs and the arrival of Tim Cook. Explaining the frustrations of the historic Apple designer.

Jony Ive explains the reasons for his farewell to Apple

Almost three years after leaving Apple, Jony Ive talks about the reasons behind his resignation. And he does it from the pages of the book written by Tripp Mickle “After Steve: How Apple Became a Trillion-Dollar Company and Lost Its Soul“, On which the New York Times based a preview article.

The story begins by talking about the Ive relationship with Steve Jobs, describing the creation of the iconic iMac. Jobs often visited the designer studios, interested in understanding what Apple’s products would look like. With Cook’s arrival instead attention shifts from design to use: Apple Watch becomes a product for sports and health before it is fashionable.

jony ive tim cook goodbye apple motives

Also Ive explained that having gone from managing a group of 20 designers to hundreds of subordinates it stressed him a lot. Discussions with colleagues about missed promotions and similar issues would have led to Burnout.

Out of fear that Jony Ive’s farewell could impact Apple’s sales, Tim Cook cut his responsibilities by making him become Chief Design Officer. But Ive had begun to have various discontent, unhappy that the financial sector had more decision-making power than designers.

In June 2019 Ive then brought together their designers to see the film Yesterday, and then commented: “Art needs its space and support to grow. When you are very big it is especially important ”. The next day she induced a second meeting to announce her farewell. While continuing to work as a consultant with his company LoveFrom.

Ive left with one $ 100 million severance pay. The designers, after his farewell, say they collaborate more than ever with the engineers for performance issues. But at the same time, they have more pressure to reduce costs.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.