Nintendo Switch Sports miete le prime vittime: gli schermi TV thumbnail

Nintendo Switch Sports is already claiming its first victims: TV screens

It’s been less than three days since the release of Nintendo Switch Sports, officially released on April 29, 2022. And three days were enough to shatter – literally – a couple of screens and televisions. To claim the most victims it would seem to be tennis (and who would have thought it). 63man, a Twitch streamer who was just live when the incident happened, knows it well. In making a backhand, the player literally inadvertently threw the controller against the TV screen. A few moments of desperation later, the streamer turns the cam and shows users the extent of the damage: TV destroyed.

The importance of wearing the wristband with Nintendo Switch Sports

Destroying TV while playing virtual tennis is something that those who used to play Wii Sports on the Nintendo Wii in 2006 know well. Even then Nintendo had invited everyone to wear the wrist strap, for the safety of the players and, above all, of who and what is around them. The company even shared a tweet explaining how to play safely, to prevent further flat screens from being destroyed.

In the meantime, in reviewing Nintendo Switch Sports, our Erika wrote: “Surely we will have to wait for the evolution of the online component and the entry into the field of the awaited Lega Pro but in the meantime I can tell you that the title is fun, colorful and exciting, capable of bringing back to sport even those who, with me, no longer have the desire and time to practice it. Yet it only took a few minutes in front of the TV to rediscover my passion for tennis and volleyball. It could happen to you too, so why not give it a chance? “

I recommend, if you decide to give it this chance, wear the strap and play responsibly.

Read the full review here.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.