Kingdom Hearts: unveiled the event to celebrate the twentieth anniversary

Kingdom Hearts is one of the most popular videogame sagas and this year celebrates its twentieth anniversary, let’s find out how it will be celebrated

The twentieth anniversary of Kingdom Hearts is upon us and Square Enix is ​​ready to celebrate it in the best possible way. Many new features have recently been revealed for the saga, including the release of one collection which includes all the chapters released, arriving for the first time on Nintendo Switch. Thanks to a presentation trailer it was specified that this collection will only be released in the cloud version on February 10.

Kingdom Hearts anniversary will be full of surprises!

The news does not end there. Through the official Kingdom Hearts Twitter, Square Enix has stated that it will celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the series with a big event in Tokyo on April 10th. According to the tweet, the event will begin with a mini-concert, followed by a series of questions and answers about the games, a direct interview with the development team of Kingdom Hearts, a splendid exhibition related to the saga and much more.

For all those who will not be able to follow the event live, they will not have to worry because Square Enix has also thought of them. The tweet specifies that a video of the entire event will be rendered also available at a later time, presumably shortly after the celebrations ended. Surely the saga will continue to grow over time, given the enormous affection received in these twenty years by gamers. Could it be the right time to see the announcement of a new chapter in the saga? The announcement of Kingdom Hearts 4 it would be a great way to celebrate the anniversary, but the announcement of a new spin off would also make all fans of the saga happy.

Are you ready to celebrate Kingdom Hearts’ anniversary? Will you recover the saga? Let us know in the comments and stay on our website for more updates on the world of video games, and don’t miss out on games at discounted prices on the Instant Gaming store.

Stefania Romagnoli is a dedicated writer who delves into the world of video game news. With a profound passion for gaming, Stefania keeps readers informed and up-to-date on the latest developments, announcements, and trends within the gaming industry.