
Krakatoa eruption of 1883: why were the sunsets green?

In 1883, the devastating Krakatoa eruption occurred. Among the many phenomena connected to the apocalyptic event, the green sunsets remained inexplicable, at least until today

L’Krakatoa eruption of 1883 has gone down in history not only for its devastating power but also for a fascinating natural phenomenon: i green sunsets. But how was it possible for the sky to be colored in such an unusual way? A computer simulation was able to explain this. After the eruption of Krakatoa volcano more than a century ago, the sky was tinged with hues that defy the imagination. It's not a scene from a science fiction movie, but a real event that left the world speechless. Sunsets, usually a tableau of red and orange, transformed into an explosion of green. At this point, the question arises spontaneously: “Why?”. The answer lies in sulfur particles launched into the atmosphere by the volcano. These are not the usual fine dust, but real giants, with dimensions ranging from 500 to 700 nanometers.

Krakatoa eruption of 1883: why were the sunsets green?Krakatoa eruption of 1883: why were the sunsets green?

The mystery of the green sunsets after the 1883 Krakatoa eruption

Thanks to its exceptional size, sunlight is reflected differently on its journey to Earth, giving that emerald green at sunset. Christian von Savigny, a German physicist, put these aerosols under the magnifying glass. Using advanced atmospheric models, he simulated the journey of light through these giant particles to the stratosphere. In the end, he showed how green can dominate the sky when the sun goes down.

The apocalyptic event not only painted the sky green, but also affected the climate world. Sulfur particles have the power to reflect the sunlightlowering the temperature of the planet. An effect similar to a giant umbrella that protects the Earth from the sun's rays. These green sunsets are not an everyday occurrence. Studies indicate that the Krakatoa eruption, like many other powerful ones capable of causing this spectacle, occur about once every century. While the sky returned to its usual colors, the memory of the green sunsets remained in the minds of the inhabitants of the Earth of that year, witnesses of a nature that never ceases to amaze.

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