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Dragon Ball Sparking Zero: nuovo trailer “Power vs Speed” rilasciato

The latest trailer for Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, “Power vs Speed”, asks us a question: does the power of the punches matter more or their speed?

The development team Spike Chunsoft and the publisher Bandai Namco they just released a new trailerentitled “Power vs Speed”, per l’arena fighter Dragon Ball Sparking Zero. The video showcases characters from the various “phases” of the late Akira Toriyama's saga, from the original series to the cosmic-scale conflict of Z, including the multiversal clashes of Super. As you can guess from the title, power and speed are the watershed for the upcoming title roster: on the one hand, for example, Super Trunks is among the powerful, while Dyspo counts as a fast fighter. Below you can see the different fighting styles of each contender in the game. We leave you with the video.

Power vs Speed: the other conflict in the Dragon Ball Sparking Zero trailer

Beyond the dichotomy between “Power” and “Speed”, therefore, who is shown in the Dragon Ball Sparking Zero trailer? Video he confirms Nappa, Burter, Master Roshi/Roshi, Toppo, Hit, Jeice, Kale Super Saiyan, Kakunsa and Broly Super Saiyan. Previously we saw the historic rivalry between Goku and Vegeta in action, with confirmation also for Tienshinan/Tensing, Krillin, Perfect Cell, Bardock and Jiren. The title, revealed at the last Game Awards, is coming soon on PC, PS5, Xbox Series X ed S and aims to fill the void left by the Budokai Tenkaichi series. While waiting, however, you can already immerse yourself in another of Akira Toriyama's worlds with the demo the Sand Landreleased just the day before yesterday.

Now it's up to you to tell us your opinion: who would you like to see return to the roster? Let us know belowand as always don't forget to stay on techgameworld.com for all the most important news for gamers and beyond.

Stefania Romagnoli is a dedicated writer who delves into the world of video game news. With a profound passion for gaming, Stefania keeps readers informed and up-to-date on the latest developments, announcements, and trends within the gaming industry.