Imparare con i videogiochi in classe: IIDEA presenta nuovi strumenti per aiutare i docenti thumbnail

Learning with video games in the classroom: IIDEA presents new tools to help teachers

On the occasion of the seventh edition of the States General of the Digital School, IDEA presented two tools designed to support Italian teachers who want to use the video games a schoolfor educational purposes.

Learning with video games at school: IIDEA presents new tools to help teachers

During the workshop that was held at the Bergamo Fairthe trade association of the video game industry in Italy has made available the manual “Using educational video games in the classroom: guidelines for successful learning outcomes” and thedeepening “Learning with video games in the classroom: advice and practical examples for Italian teachers”.

The event was attended by Thalita Malagò – General Manager IIDEA, Raffaele Nardella – Educator Équipe Formativa Territoriale Lombardia (MI), Instructional Designer and Lara Olivetti – CEO and Co-founder Melazeta with the moderation of Davide Coero Borga of RAI CULTURA.

Thalita MalagòGeneral Manager of IIDEA, said:

“Videogames have entered Italian schools for several years both on the initiative of individual teachers and within official projects. In both cases, the observation of the effects of ludic activity in terms of motivation and learning outcomes and the recognition of videogames as a cultural form were essential conditions for success. Our hope is that thanks to the dissemination of these materials, there will be the possibility of promoting a more systematic practice that allows Italian schools to align themselves with the international experience in terms of using video games as a learning support tool”.

Of the manual, made internationally by Games in SchoolsIIDEA has created the Italian version, which contains guidelines for using educational video games in the classroom with the aim of achieving successful learning outcomes.

The deepening was instead carried out by Manuela Cantoiaassociate professor of Applied Cognitive Psychology at the eCampus University, with the contribution of Massimiliano Andreoletti of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart and Andrea Tinterri of the University of Foggia, and presents advice and practical examples for Italian teachers who want to bring video games into the classroom.

For more information, you can consult the official site.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.