Lee Young-hee diventa la prima presidente donna di Samsung Electronics thumbnail

Lee Young-hee becomes the first female president of Samsung Electronics

Lately Samsung Electronics he named the first female executive of the company to hold the position of President of Global Marketing for its mobile division. As revealed, Lee Young-hee she has now been elevated to the position of president of the Global Marketing Center for the division Device eXperience (DX) from Samsung. The division mainly deals with the management of business mobile. Let’s find out all the details together.

Lee Young-hee becomes the first female president of Samsung Electronics

samsung tech princess woman president

As reported by the news agency YonhapLee Young-hee è the first female president of Samsungthe largest company in the country, which not part of the founding family. Daughter of the late Lee Kun-hee, president of Samsung Electronics, Lee Boo-jin currently holds the position of President and Chief Executive Officer of theHotel Shillaa subsidiary of Samsung.

Lee Young-hee joined the global tech giant in 2007, and in 2012, she assumed the position of Vice president. Previously you worked at L’Oreal and is recognized for having successfully marketed the name and the cell phone reputation Galaxy on Samsung.

Samsung anticipated that the promotion would give other talented female employees the opportunity to make a career.

It is one of seven new presidents appointed under the first corporate restructuring on a small scale since Lee Jae-yongthe de facto leader of the company, was elevated to Executive President of the Business in October.

Since Lee Jae-seung resigned in October for unspecified “personal reasons”, Samsung he did not name a replacement at the head of the household appliances division. Following Lee’s resignation, Han Jong-heevice president and co-CEO of Samsung, will continue temporarily to carry out this additional responsibility.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.