Michael Jordan è l'atleta copertina di NBA 2K23: arriva anche il trailer ufficiale thumbnail

Let’s find out all the news of the new NBA 2K23 gameplay

Let's find out all the news of the new gameplay of NBA 2K23 thumbnail

The 2K developer today revealed all the news and improvements that will characterize the gameplay of NBA 2K23, the new chapter of the basketball franchise coming out in September for consoles and PC. New features include new skill moves, player builds and animations. The result is extremely realistic gameplay, as also confirmed by Mike Wang, Gameplay Director di Visual Conceptswho stated:

“We value community feedback when deciding how to bring each release of NBA 2K to life, this year’s gameplay improvements reflect many of the community’s most requested changes.”

Here are all the news of NBA 2K23 gameplay

Some aspects and game mechanics that will undergo changes in the new chapter are:

  • Quantity: Among the main changes this year is the addition of shooting attributes. These give each jump shot unique characteristics, which determine its effectiveness in the game. Players will also be able to choose from five new shooting meters. Another 15 can be unlocked through Seasons.
  • Pro Stick Improvements: new gesture combos to the Pro Stick. These introduce many new possibilities, both for shooting and ball handling for point guards. Dunk will also benefit from the new controls, which will allow players to dunk exactly how they want.
  • Skill Moves and Adrenaline Boosts: improved ball handling and shooting options. There is also a new feature to avoid overdribbling: it is the adrenaline boost. Boosts are consumed consumed whenever a player performs a move action or an explosive sprint. Once the boosts are exhausted, players will notice a significant decrease in speed.

NBA 2K23 Booker Screenshot

  • Defence: important news also for the defensive gameplay of NBA 2K23. In the new chapter the blocks will be more realistic, leading to predictable results. There was also a marked improvement in ball control for more skilled hunters.
  • Badge: comes a brand new tiered badge system, exclusively for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X | S players. 16 badges per attribute category: eight in level 1, four in level 2 and four in level 3. Players will need to equip a certain number of lower level badges before they can equip the more powerful ones.
  • Takeover: The mechanics of primary and secondary Takeover remain unchanged, but the Team Takeover has been totally revolutionized. The latter will function as a cooperative team system – the entire team shares a single counter. The new design better represents the meaning of team and unity than in the past.
  • Gameplay IA Players on new gen consoles (PS5 and Xbox Series X | S) will notice improved ball handling by artificial intelligence (AI). This will perform pick and roll and defensive operations more faithfully, according to the tactics of the coaches.

NBA 2K23 MJ 1992 Screenshot

NBA 2K23 will be officially released on September 9, 2022 on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC. Last month 2K revealed the last of the NBA 2K23 cover athletes, announcing the name of Devin Booker, NBA All-Star currently under contract with the Phoenix Suns. Together with Booker we will also find the WNBA basketball players Diana Taurasi e Sue Birdin addition to the living legend Michael Jordan. The preorder of the game is currently available at this link.

Meanwhile, just this week, the game’s first First Look Trailer was released.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.