Annunciate le serie TV di Life is Strange e Disco Elysium da Amazon Studios thumbnail

Life is Strange and Disco Elysium TV series announced from Amazon Studios

Amazon Studios closed a deal with dj2 Entertainment to dive into the world of videogame adaptations. Two of the titles chosen to soon become the TV series I’m Life is Strange e Disco Elysium. The dj2 Entertainment company is one of the production companies behind Sonic The Hedgehog, which has achieved great success. Let’s find out all the details together.

Life is Strange and Disco Elysium will become TV series


Under the new agreement, DJ2 Entertainment will offer Amazon Studios the opportunity to get exclusive on Prime Video of any movie or TV show it will feature. Since dj2 specializes in video game adaptationsplayers will have the chance to see some of their favorite titles turned into TV series.

The even more interesting news is that dj2 Entertainment is currently working for adapt two famous video games. The first is the famous franchise published by Square Enix, Life Is Strange; the second is the success of the indie developer ZA / UM, Disco Elysium.

Every Life Is Strange title is an episodic adventure. Here the choices of the players can influence the outcome of the story e change the fate of the characters. Each game also has a unique expedientsuch as the ability to rewind time, manipulate emotions O move objects with the power of the mind. The series is highly regarded by the public for its layered characters and the creative storytellingmaking it a perfect video game franchise to adapt into a series.

As for Disco Elysium, the indie gem follows a detective who has to solve a murder case while dealing with a ‘drug induced amnesia. The game mechanics mainly revolved around dialogue choicesallowing the player to completely change the personality of the character and the way he interacted with the world around him.

Gamers appreciate Disco Elysium for the way they can too alter the gameplay through dialogue with the character. It would be difficult to adapt Disco Elysium to non-interactive media without losing some of its appeal, which may explain why the project has been in early development since 2020.

The statements of dj2 Entertainment and Amazon Studios

Regarding the deal, the manufacturer Dmitri M. Johnson of dj2 Entertainment said:

The dj2 team has long believed that video games would one day serve as incredible source material for stories told on television and in the cinema, and that it was just the lack of love and respect for the art form that previously held back. successful adaptations. Furthermore, it is truly an honor to have Prime Video as our platform partner. A partner who supports us and our great ambitions. We can’t wait to tell the best international gaming stories without limits.

Nick Pepperhead of studio creative content for Amazon Studios, added:

I can’t fully express the enthusiasm we feel in working with the dj2 Entertainment team. Their experience and skill in the gaming-to-screen market is unmatched. The possibilities are endless for what we can create together for our global audience.

Both the adaptations of Life Is Strange and Disco Elysium are still in an early stage of development. However, with a major player like Amazon Studios willing to fund dj2 Entertainment projects, hopefully more information will come as soon as possible.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.