LinkedIn Italia compie 10 anni e festeggia 16 milioni di utenti iscritti thumbnail

LinkedIn Italia turns 10 and celebrates 16 million registered users

LinkedIn Italy celebrates his 10th anniversary of activity on the national territory. This is a significant milestone and an important opportunity to announce a new milestone, namely i 16 million subscribers in our country. Let’s find out all the details together.

Happy 10th anniversary LinkedIn Italy

This incredible milestone confirms the value of a project that helps millions of people every day to be successful in their career. It also positions Italy as third largest national community in Europe. Marcello Albergoni, today Country Manager of a reality that connects 800 million people around the world, commented:

In 2011, when we opened the Italian office, we had just over 2 million users. What we announce today is an exceptional result and a moment of great pride and satisfaction that I want to share and celebrate with the whole network and my team. In these 10 years we have managed to bring our country to have over 16 million professionals on the platform, helping them not only to expand their professional network but above all to create new career opportunities, responding to the constantly evolving requests of companies and recruiters. . This is LinkedIn’s mission, connecting professionals from all over the world to increase their productivity and success, the winning key of our social network and the confirmation of our strong impact in the world of work.

In this scenario, the’Economic Graph has taken on a fundamental role. Was able to create one digital mapping of the global economy, with near real-time data to connect professionals with large-scale opportunities.

In recent months, LinkedIn Italia’s path has also expanded in the field PA. In fact, the recent collaboration for the creation of inPA. It is a national portal of the recruitment, a new digital space dedicated to public work – currently live and nearing completion.

The goal of this portal is to locate and involve as many professions as possible and high specializations in the procedures launched by the public administrations for the selection of the personnel necessary for the implementation of the PNRR projects. The Minister for Public Administration will sign this new important collaboration via streaming Renato Brunetta.

Adapt to the market

Just like the business world, over the years LinkedIn has been evolved ed extended. The service has it transformed e adapted to the new needs of the market and the new digital era. At the same time also the number of Italian users on the platform grew rapidly, as well as the variety of professions on the site.

LinkedIn has finally proved to be a precious ally even in such a complex moment as that of the pandemic, giving voice to the needs of workers.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.