Lucasfilm assume l'utente che ha usato il deepfake su The Mandalorian thumbnail

Lucasfilm hires the user who used the deepfake on The Mandalorian

Lucasfilm hires the user who used the deepfake on The Mandalorian thumbnail

Lately Lucasfilm has hired Shamook, the YouTuber who used the deepfake technology to modify some parts of the original series The Mandalorian, available on Disney +. Let’s find out all the details together.

Shamook hired by Lucasfilm thanks to the deepfake

The CGI face of Luke Skywalker in the cameo of The Mandalorian was met with a lot of criticism and fans have even tried to correct the scene with various tools and programs. One of these fans was so good that Lucasfilm has decided to hire him so that he could help the team on upcoming projects. Lucasfilm hopes that the next projects do not feature visual effects of de-aging e make them unconvincing.

For this reason he decided to hire Shamook, the famous YouTuber known for using deepfake technology for improve the likeness of Luke Skywalker. Shamook also used this technology to put actors in shows and films in which they have never acted.

In the comments section of a video replacing Christian Bale with Robert Pattinson as Batman in Christopher Nolan’s film, Shamook wrote that joined Lucasfilm / Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) a few months ago. When asked what his role was within the company, he said his official title is “Senior Facial Capture Artist”.

I study confirmed the assumption with IndieWire, revealing that they are always on the lookout for talented artists.

In addition to working on a deepfake version of Luke in The Mandalorian, Shamook also made appearances for Tarkin e read in Rogue One. Shamook’s videos don’t always show the most realistic results but some are truly impressive. If you are curious to watch his videos, you can check out his YouTube channel.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.