Mark Zuckerberg incontra il premier Draghi: ecco l'argomento del colloquio thumbnail

Mark Zuckerberg meets Prime Minister Draghi: this is what they said

Mark Zuckerberg meets Prime Minister Draghi: this is the topic of the interview thumbnail

Mark Zuckerberg is in Italy and had the opportunity to meet Prime Minister Mario Draghi as well as the minister of digital transition, Vittorio Colao. The meeting was an opportunity to talk about the Italian and world technological future. Meta, the Zuckerberg-based company, focuses on the metaverse and global technological development, as reiterated during the meeting with Draghi. Here are the details.

Mark Zuckerberg met Draghi: this is the topic of the meeting

Zuckerberg he highlighted, naturally with a post on Facebook, the nature of the meeting he had with Draghi. Meta’s number one said: “In today’s meeting we confirmed our collaboration with the Italian government to enhance the country’s strengths in the technology and design sectors and identify future investments”.

Meta’s number one also discussed the cultural, social and economic opportunities that the metaverse will guarantee Italy in the near future. For our country (and beyond) the metaverse can really represent a great opportunity for future growth. However, it will be necessary to invest significantly in the sector over the next few years.

The Italian perspectives for the metaverse

The future evolution of the metaverse is waiting to be discovered. The meeting between Zuckerberg and Draghi is only a first step in a more complex program that aims to support the spread of the metaverse in Italy. In any case, it will be necessary to evaluate what the country’s strategies will be in this regard.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.