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Massive data leak on WhatsApp: 500 million phone numbers stolen

WhatsApp hack: 500 million thumbnail phone numbers stolen

WhatsApp is at the center of a gigantic leak of sensitive data, presumably following a hacker attack. The Cybernews portal that cybercriminals would have managed to obtain around 487 million phone numbers obtained from WhatsApp. The massive database was later put up for sale on a hacker forum.

The numbers would come from 84 countries of the world, but apparently Italy is one of the most affected areas immediately after Egypt. According to Cybernews the Italian numbers would be over 35 million.

For sale the WhatsApp numbers stolen with the hacker attack

The user who put the database online is currently selling the data packages to various reference markets. To get an idea of ​​the value: The price for the 32 million US issues would be well 7000$.

The stolen numbers are usually sold to other hackers and cybercriminals, who use the sensitive data to organize smishing, phishing and wishes . It is therefore advisable to avoid answering unknown numbers and ambiguous messages.

The seller did not specify how he obtained the database, but ensured that all numbers are verified and of active users on WhatsApp. Cybernews claims that this claim is confirmed and that all stolen numbers belong to real and active users.

Just a few days ago another hacker attack had hit the website of the European Parliament.

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