Conversazioni sul Metaverso: in arrivo il podcast di Meta e Chora Media thumbnail

Metaverse Conversations: Meta and Chora Media Podcast Coming Soon

Although today it is only in the first stage of its development, the metaverso has become a topic that arouses more and more interest and curiosity. Today there are already several technologies that allow us to experience what the metaverse will be in the future. He really thought about deepening the theme Meta, one of the companies most involved in the realization of this project, presenting Conversations on the Metaversethe podcast created in collaboration with middle chora to discover the present and the future of this new evolution of the Internet.

Conversations on the Metaverse: the podcast in three episodes

Over the course of three episodes, the tech-savvy Matthew Flora and the bookstore Christine DiCanio they will dialogue with each other in a continuous interweaving between reality, literary and virtual worlds. Guests of each episode three Meta experts, who will delve into the different perspectives and implications of the metaverse. The first episode will be available from Tuesday 16 maggio on major audio platforms (Spotify, Apple Podcast, Spreaker and Google Podcast), followed by the second the 23 maggio and from the third the 30 maggio.

The first episode of Conversations on the Metaverse

In the first appointment we will start from the basics, that is from the word “metaverse” itself: a set of interconnected digital spaces that will make online experiences possible as we have never imagined them until now. Then, between a reference to Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities and a reference to Emilio Salgari’s imaginary journeys, the conversation will move on to the impact that the metaverse will have on our future, especially at an economic and work level. Guest of the opening episode is Luca Colombo, Country Director of Meta in Italywho will be sharing a comprehensive overview of Meta’s long-term view of the metaverse.

Conversations on the Metaverse

The second episode

To accompany the second episode will be Evita Barra, Automotive & Luxury Industry Director of Meta in Italywhich will explain how augmented reality, virtual reality and mixed reality – key technologies in the metaverse – can have a positive impact on the corporate world, opening up new business opportunities and the possibility of creating deeper and more engaging connections between brands and customers.

The third episode

In the last appointment, Angelo Mazzetti, Head of Institutional Relations of Meta in Italy, will finally address the great challenges opened up by the metaverse, starting with regulation, underlining the importance of ensuring a responsible and sustainable development of this new Internet era. The fundamental principle that will guide its implementation will be that of interoperability: the rules that will govern it will not have to be defined by a single company, but by the synergistic work of many realities, including legislators, academics and developers.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.