Ferragosto: le app che non possono mancare in spiaggia, montagna o città thumbnail

Mid-August: the apps that cannot be missing on the beach, in the mountains or in the city

Mid-August is approaching and you need to be prepared. Whether you want to travel to some art cities, take a dip in the sea, climb a mountain, explore the countryside – or simply relax at home or with friends. If we can’t arrange the perfect day of August for you, we can suggest a few interesting app to make it easier and smarter. From those to organize transport to those for food, through entertainment and relaxation, here are the best apps for this August 15th 2023.

The apps for a perfect mid-August: both on holiday and at home

There are people who organize long lists with all the objects to put in their suitcase or backpack, even if they are just staying for a night out. Others improvised. But almost all, we are sure, they carry smartphones and chargers with them. So why not fill them with useful applications for the August bank holiday (for whom it will)?

We’ll start with some handy apps for who will move these dayswhile scrolling you will find apps that are convenient even for those who stay at home, but wants to eat well and relax (by the pool or under the air conditioner).

App to organize holidays, trips and trips out of town in August

If you plan to travel these days, have an app like TripIt: Travel Planner (iOS and Android) that helps you get organized can become very convenient. Not only does it keep track of flights and various transfer tickets, but it tells us what documents you need, if you need vaccines or health insurance. It even advises you when to leave for the airport and allows you to find restaurants and ATMs to withdraw cash, if needed.

Trendy resort for summer 2023

To move by train, in addition to the official apps of the national or local railways, Trainline (iOS and Android) can also prove to be an excellent ally on August 15th. Especially because it allows you to find tickets and connections even at the last minute (or in case of delayed/cancelled trains).

If, on the other hand, you travel by car, have it on your phone Petrol prices – LPG and CNG (iOS and Android) allows you to save money and better organize transfers. Those traveling by electric vehicle, on the other hand, would do better to check which charging stations will be near your destination and along your route (just ask Google Maps or Waze) and download apps to reload.

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Enjoy the sea, the mountains and the cities

Those who go to the beach for mid-August no longer need to wake up at dawn to find a place under an umbrella: you can use the website or the app Spiagge.it (iOS and Android). We still really like deciding at the last minute and finding little corners on the free beaches or among the rocks. But especially for families, book and check that the beaches have services doing to may be the best solution.

If you want to go hiking in the mountains (with the necessary precautions), the app of AllTrails (iOS and Android) allows you to find routes of all kinds. Excellent both for beginners and for those who often go to high altitudes and want fun alternatives.

Instead, those who will visit some cities can try to download applications suggested by local tourist boards. But we recommend taking advantage of apps that, realistically, you will already have on your phone and are excellent for exploring villages and metropolises. Google Maps (iOS and Android) to find all the main monuments: just use the explore function and Google will also give you itineraries to optimize your time. And if you are looking for little known but very characteristic points, don’t underestimate the possibility of searching the name of the city in Instagram (iOS e Android) e TikTok (iOS and Android): you can find both touristic and more authentic places, but still wonderful to visit.

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Wherever you decide to take your mid-August trip, it’s always good to have an app that helps us quickly find public toilets (and tell us how clean they are). Maybe it’s not the most glamorous app, but it can become the most essential: TripToilet (iOS e Android)

Eating at the restaurant, outdoors, at home

Many in mid-August, whether they move or not, they organize big dinners in company. One of the most beautiful activities you can do in the heat all together. We are sure that many of you will already know some trusted shopkeepers from whom you can buy ingredients and food to bring to the table or on a tablecloth for a picnic. Alternatively, local supermarket apps can give you an idea of ​​where to go shopping.

But if you want to try make it the most sustainable lunch or dinnerthere are two options we like to mention. Too Good To Go (iOS and Android) allows you to buy products that merchants would be about to throw away, fighting food waste (and saving). AND Green Project (iOS and Android) allows you to buy organic and zero kilometer products. Even if, as always, contacting local shops can be a better solution than any technology.

For those who want to eat at a restaurant, either close to home or in a city, they can take advantage of many applications and even the integrated recommendations from Google Maps and the like. But The Fork (iOS and Android) remains a very convenient option for finding, booking and even saving on restaurants.

But we point out an app that positively impressed us on one of our last trips: if your trip out of town is in Rome you can use Mino – Spin, Eat and Drink (iOS and Android). We’ve discovered two or three exceptional little places: if you don’t know someone from the capital who can recommend where to eat, this app is the closest thing.

App for mid-August: how to relax and have fun

Wherever you are, mid-August can become a unique opportunity to have fun or relax – with the right app. If you want something to keep you busy on the beach or in moments of relaxation, alone or with other enthusiasts, you can use Let (iOS and Android), the official app of the Puzzle Week, both standing vertically and horizontally in the sun. Those who prefer numbers to words cannot live without the app Sudoku (iOS e Android).

Do you always complain that you don’t have enough time to read? In mid-August you can also recover with your eyes closed with Audibleor by reading the ebooks of Kindle Unlimited. And to keep track of books read – or even if you want an app that keeps you reading even after the holidays – you can use apps like Turn (Android) o BookBuddy (iOS) to organize your libraries, physical and digital.

five books

Who instead (or moreover) loves i podcast, can listen to them in the sun or in the shade, perhaps with a pair of true wireless headphones (here the best). We at Android love the massive customization and ad-free, open source approach of AntennaPod (Android), while on the iPhone it is impossible not to appreciate the app Apple Podcast (iOS).

To relax, or to sing and dance, music is perfect company even on August 15th. If you want to have fun with friends, adding your favorite songs on one playlist shared on Spotify (iOS and Android). Or you can put on the radio with TuneIn (iOS and Android), perfect if you want someone else to DJ for you.

These are some of the apps we will be using on August 15th. But if you have any special needs, don’t hesitate to ask us for advice in the comments. And maybe to suggest some apps to try in these summer days!

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.