Milano è la prima città ad avere il servizio 25 giga di Unidata thumbnail

Milan is the first city to have Unidata’s 25 gigabyte service

Unidata, operator of Telecommunications, Cloud and IoT services, has announced that it has activated a Milano il 25 gig fiber service intended for companies through TWT.

What is Unidata’s 25 gig fiber service

Overall, it will be possible for companies that activate the service Download twice as fast compared to the standard and upload at 10x faster speed. The technology will be immediately active in the Municipality of Milan with 80% coverage, while the remaining 20% ​​will be implemented by the end of the year, fully covering the city including the hinterland.

Unidata and TWT are the first to launch in our country the 25 gig Ethernet point-to-point technology, the advantage of which is that it does not require structural works in order to exploit its full potential. To activate it, it is necessary to adapt the network devices with 25Gbps interfaces.

The service offers maximum reliability in terms of latency and bandwidth to make the most of digital transformation trends and cloud services. In fact, with the 25 gigabytes it will be possible to quickly connect to cloud systems and data centers for all companies that need a high-performance, stable and secure connection.

“We are very pleased to offer with this new service a level of speed and connectivity never before achieved in Italy,” he said Renato Brunetti, President and CEO of Unidata and President of TWT.

“We are proud to be pioneers with TWT of this first digital implementation which will start from the city of Milan, one of the main pulsating centers of the Italian economy. We hope that the 25 gigabytes will represent one more opportunity for local companies to be even more competitive, digital oriented and performing on the market. This important initiative represents a first significant milestone of the connectivity services development strategy, as well as the diversification and strengthening of the commercial offer that Unidata intends to pursue through the integration with the newly acquired TWT”.

Renato Brunetti Chairman of Unidata 1

“Our goal – he commented instead Alessandra Sponchiado, General Manager of TWT– is to actively support the digitization of the Italian business through the necessary mix between connection capacity and services. The 25 Gbps offer responds to the needs of modern companies by allowing the transmission speed necessary for the journey to the cloud and digital transformation”.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.