Due giorni di amore, motori e gonfiabili thumbnail

MINI Big Love Days, how did it go?

In the last weekend of August, MINI decided to end the summer with enthusiasm, facing the melancholy of the return head-on. All ‘Modena racetrack in fact, the MINI Big Love Days, an initiative dedicated to lovers of engines of all levels. Lots of activities and games available for young and old to discover this iconic brand in a whole new way.

The MINI Big Love Days 2022 animate the Modena racetrack

On 27 and 28 August, motor enthusiasts gathered in Modena to celebrate the MINI Big Love Days. In the area of ​​the circuit they were present brand lovers of all kindsfrom fan clubs to simply curious, all ready to try special experiences and above all a to have fun. And there was certainly no shortage of opportunities.

Starting naturally from those directly linked todriving experience. On this occasion, dozens and dozens of four-wheel lovers were able to try their hand at truly unique test drives. For a fan of the brand, the thrill of racing on the track aboard a MINI JCWputting it to the test on the various curves of the circuit, or challenging the skills of one All4 Countryman in the off road it is an unmissable experience.

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But the MINI Big Love Days 2022 offered also much more. In the wide spaces available you could find exhibitions dedicated to the most iconic cars of the brand, a shop where you can find the best merchandise dedicated to cars, food trucks, games and entertainment on stage and much more. Even a was available small track for scootersto test the little ones and teach them the basics of safe driving.

And then, there was him: The Bouncy Beast. An inflatable obstacle course among the largest in Europe, covering an area of ​​30 by 80 meters. Four thematic areas within it, in turn inspired by different perspectives on the MINI world, for a really demanding challenge. We say this with good reason given that, as soon as we arrive at the racetrack, we tried it firsthand with this course in a special race!

A difficult Beast to defeat

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We all remember the large inflatable games that more or less often we had the opportunity to try as children. Sliding, jumping, jumping, falling and bouncing… A unique fun! But when you rush into the race to overcome all obstacles trying to exceed the time of other journalists by your side, discover how challenging it can be to run on those surfaces.

It was undoubtedly a particular experience, which reminded us of television challenges that have entered history as Takeshi’s Castle or the immortals Games without Frontiers. In heats of three or four people at a time, the different journalists present challenged each other to realize the best time sul The Bouncy Beast dei MINI Big Love Days.

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Between obstacles to dodge left and right, tunnels to dive into with courage, walls to climb and slides to descend from, the level of difficulty was very high. And so we too have faced it by putting ourselves all possible commitmentimagining in the most intense features the voice of historical commentators who incited us.

And in the end, the result was more than satisfactory, bringing it home the second best time of the day. The techprincess flag flew high despite that few seconds lost for exult like i best athletes before diving into the last descent to the finish. Then immediately lie down on the floor, exhausted but happy.

But let’s get back to seriousness for these MINI Big Love Days 2022

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Leave the sporting ambitions (at least until they accept running on inflatables as an Olympic discipline), let’s get together to talk about our driving experiencesthe real focus of these MINI Big Love Days 2022.

The adventure began aboard a MINI JCW, whizzing right along the asphalt of the Modena autodrome. We took the corners with conviction, trying to test the car, but also to enjoy the unique pleasure of his driving. It showed excellent roadholding and we had a lot of fun running the straights of the course.

Then it was the turn of the very quiet MINI Full Electric. Here we toured the areas around the racetrack for test the different assets available to the driver. Already in the medium setting we could see an excellent recovery, which we then tested best in its sports version. Even by choosing a greener approach, which aims at contain consumptionthe guide was still enjoyable and engaging.

Particularly useful was the braking system which intervenes when you take your foot off the accelerator. This tool (whose intensity can be modulated according to needs) allows you to recover part of the energy and – once you get some practice – practically driving using only one pedal. A function definitely comfortable to increase the overall autonomy of the vehicle, although it remains a car more suitable for the city than for long journeys.

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Finally, we were particularly surprised by the off road route. On board a MINI All4 Countryman we faced some challenging obstacles (made even more complex by the wet ground due to the rain in the early afternoon), but the car proved to be extraordinarily capable even in these conditions. There has been no ascent or descent that she has not been able to successfully tackle, notably demonstrating a grip on the extraordinary terrain.

In short, the MINI Big Love Days were an exciting adventure

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Between tests behind the wheel and breathtaking races between ingenious inflatable obstacles, the balance of these MINI Big Love Days 2022 is absolutely positive. We had a lot of fun, but most of all we were able to celebrate one of the again most iconic and loved brands of the world of four wheels.

At this point the gaze turns straight into next yearwhen we hope this extraordinary initiative will return, capable of involving car enthusiasts of all ages and levels.

John Vassallo is a versatile writer who covers two fascinating realms: Automobiles and Electronics. With a deep knowledge and passion for both industries, John brings you the latest updates, trends, and insights in these dynamic fields. From the latest car models, automotive innovations, and advancements in electric and autonomous technologies, to cutting-edge electronics, gadgets, and emerging tech trends, John's articles provide comprehensive coverage to keep you informed.