Patente moto, in arrivo l'estensione senza esame. Ecco come funziona thumbnail

Motorcycle license, this is how the extension works without an exam

A hot topic, which has been talked about a lot in recent times, is that of motorcycle license and of theextension without examination.

This leads toabolition of the practice-related exam for ‘major’ licenses.

Motorcycle license, extension without exam is coming.  Here's how it works, source DepositPhotosMotorcycle license, extension without exam is coming. Here’s how it works, source DepositPhotos

The decree

Starting Monday (September 18), the decree is operational. Those who have a driving licence guide A1which gives access to being able to ride motorcycles from maximum displacement 125 ccnow, they can access to drive one moto fino and 35 kW. All this without taking a new driving test to get the patente A2.

The procedure also applies to those who already have it patente A2 and he wants move to A. The latter enables you to be able drive all motorcycles of any engine size and power. – Search tires by size

Goodbye exam, welcome training course

Il traditional examination Of guide to access A2 and A driving licences, is replaced with a corso of training spread over seven hours, to be followed at a driving school.

Thus, even with this new rule, Italy aligns itself with the 2006 European directive, already anticipated in 2021 with the Infrastructure Bis decree.

Above all, according to the intention of the legislator, the entry into force of the decree leads to “reduce administrative burdens for users, speed up the issuing of driving licences, professional qualifications and professional suitability certificates”.

We specify that the new course to access the A2 and A driving licenses is an alternative to the practical exam, however this remains for those who want to take it.

Motorcycle license, extension without exam is coming.  Here's how it works, source DepositPhotos

All about driving licenses

Before illustrating how to access the training course, we leave you with a summary of the licences.

For the patent A1 Anyone who has already completed accesses sixteen years. The process provides that al passing the exam theoretical and of medical visitsyou come into possession of the ‘pink sheet‘, from the valid for one year. Thus, you can access the practice with the motorbike. We specify that you must take the practical exam in order to obtain the license within twelve months.

The transition from Patent A1 to A2as a basic requirement there must be the age of eighteen yearsthen, thesuitability for medical examinations, to get the ‘pink slip’. Now, thanks to the decree it is possible, without having to take the exam, to directly access the patente A2.

Finally, for the transition from A2 to A3 license, the same rule as above applies.

Not everyone can access the training course, so move to the higher category without a practical exam. These concern motorcyclists in possession of the A1 category driving qualification, who have a B driving licence.

Precisely they will have to pass the practical driving test. To conclude we also specify that those who do not have the A1 driving license at eighteen and wants to access the A2or whoever has 24 years old and wants to move to Serie Ain both cases must pass the practical driving test.

Info and costs on the training course

As we have already written about it above training course lasts seven hours. This is broken down like this: three hours are dedicated to manoeuvres, preparations and technical checks of vehicles to ensure road safety. The remaining ones quattro They are used for driving in traffic. The cost of the course it will vary between 400 and 600 euros.

At the end of the training course, the driving school issues the digital certificate signed by the driving school’s teaching manager. While the driving license is then sent to the candidate by post. For further information, simply go to the nearest driving school and those interested can learn more about the decree.

John Vassallo is a versatile writer who covers two fascinating realms: Automobiles and Electronics. With a deep knowledge and passion for both industries, John brings you the latest updates, trends, and insights in these dynamic fields. From the latest car models, automotive innovations, and advancements in electric and autonomous technologies, to cutting-edge electronics, gadgets, and emerging tech trends, John's articles provide comprehensive coverage to keep you informed.