La NASA ha diffuso le prime immagini catturate dal telescopio James Webb thumbnail

NASA has unveiled images captured by the James Webb telescope

NASA released the first images captured by the James Webb thumbnail telescope

Cape Canavera, Florida, USA – May 6, 2015: NASA insignia printed on the outside of the Space Shuttle tiles

Today, NASA has released the first color images captured by the James Webb Space Telescope, in partnership with the European space agency ESA and the Canadian space agency CSA. The first images, available on the NSA website, show us the SMACS 0723 galaxy complex, up to 13 billion light years away from Earth.

The first images of the James Webb telescope were released by NASA

The full set of images captured by the James Webb telescope is available on the NASA website. It is a selection of shots chosen by a group of representatives from NASA, ESA, CSA and the Space Telescope Science Institute. Such images reveal the capabilities of the telescope and its incredible potential. Note that the images will be shown in public on big screens in Times Square, New York, and Piccadilly Circus, London.

Bill Nelson, NASA administrator, said: “Today we present to humanity a revolutionary new view of the cosmos from the James Webb Space Telescope, a view the world has never seen before. These images, including the deepest infrared view of our universe ever taken, show us how Webb will help uncover the answers to questions we don’t even know how to ask; questions that will help us better understand our universe and humanity’s place within it ”.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.