NBA 2K22: here’s a trailer for the new City!

A new NBA 2K22 trailer shows us all the details and news of the new City. Let’s find out together what it is about in this dedicated news

A few days now separate us from day one by NBA 2K22. The September 10in fact, the title will be published for all the consoles of the family Sony (PS4 and PS5), of the family Microsoft (Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S) e per Nintendo Switch, other than PC. As every year NBA 2K is preparing to be one of the most played and anticipated sports titles. Even in this NBA 2K22 will present an element that has been so appreciated by the community in the past years, namely: the city, of which a trailer for in-depth analysis.

NBA 2K22: the next gen City in the new trailer!

As happened last year, with NBA 2K21 (by clicking here you will access our review of the next gen version of the title), also in NBA 2K22 the contents (shown in the last trailer) that will be made available to players, within the City, vary based on the version you are playing. In the next gen console version, in fact, players will have several new features available. Let’s go and discover them together in the brand new trailer released a few hours ago on the official NBA 2K Youtube channel:

New structures, such as the 2K Club, new vehicles, lots of minigames and even the possibility of record rap songs, are just some of the innovations presented in this trailer. To discover all the main news and everything you need to know before starting to play NBA 2K22 we invite you to take a look at our introductory guide to the title. Please let us know with a comment if you will purchase the game and if you are a historical fan of the series.

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Stefania Romagnoli is a dedicated writer who delves into the world of video game news. With a profound passion for gaming, Stefania keeps readers informed and up-to-date on the latest developments, announcements, and trends within the gaming industry.