NeN, stop al caro-bollette invernale: come risparmiare sull'energia thumbnail

NeN, stop the expensive winter bills: how to save on energy

Everyone knows how expensive it is to face winter at home and we find ourselves having to face the dear-bills due to the high consumption that derives from it, between radiators on for hours, hot showers, longer food preparation and much more. For this reason NeN, first EnerTech in Italyhe wrote three useful tips to save on bills year-end energy. “Dim the light” is the initiative that NeN has suggested to its customers and provides bonuses for those who, in the coming months, will save on consumption compared to last year.

NeN says no to candlelight dinner: it’s not necessary

Although it may seem like a poetic way to lower consumption a little, it is not essential to dine by candlelight. To save money without giving up on light bulbs, that’s enough use the LED ones: they consume 70% less of the traditional ones and just remember to dust them to prevent the dust from reducing their brightness.

Not only that: it’s not even the case to limit the Christmas lights because a single chain doesn’t have that much impact on the bill. But that’s always a good thing do not leave them on unnecessarily if they don’t serve to create the atmosphere.

NeN defines the correct use of the hair dryer

NeN phone

NeN’s advice on saving bills continues. If you want to consume less, it is right to adopt the healthy and good habits that are valid for hairdryer, as well as for many of the appliances we have at home. So it’s better not to leave it plugged in all the time and not to use it at the maximum temperature and power of the hot air jet.

In any case, the impact of its consumption on the bill is certainly not the highest. Using it for a few minutes, even every day, its cost in the bill would reach a maximum of 3.60 euros per monthaccording to the Observatory of Consumption of Nen.

Hot shower yes, but not too much

It’s always a pleasure to meditate under a hot shower, but it’s just as important to keep in mind that it’s possible to save money 80 liters of water and 35% electricity if you take a shower of 5 minutes coolerlowering the boiler temperature by 3 degrees. NeN also reminds us of turn off the water heater when it has reached temperature: the water stays hot for a long time anyway.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.