Neuralink non può testare sugli umani, bloccata dalla FDA thumbnail

Neuralink, Musk’s company to implant chips in the brain has thousands of volunteers

Neuralink is the company founded by Elon Musk which aims to implant a chip in the human brain. By next year the company aims to have 11 people operating and there are already thousands of volunteers willing to do so. For the moment, only people suffering from neurological injuries or diseases will be taken into consideration. The aim is to operate as many as 22 thousand entities by 2030.

The company Neuralink wants to implant a chip in the brain

Elon Musk founded the company Neuralink to develop neural interfaces for connecting humans and computers. For this reason, the chosen people will have a chip implanted in their brain and are subjects suffering from neurological injuries or diseases. By 2030, however, the facility is expected to accommodate as many as 22 thousand people.

The phase opened on September 19th recruitment of volunteers at the facilityafter receiving authorization to test on human brains from the FDA, the public health regulatory body in the United States.

Neuralink, the chip implanted in the brains of animals

In 2021, Musk’s company had already experimented with the chip in animal brain and showed, through a video, a primate playing a video game using only his thoughts. However, according to a federal investigation by Reuters in 2022, around 1,500 animals are dead following the Neuralink experiments.


Who is the ideal candidate?

The person Neuralink is looking for to implant a chip in the brain must have less than 40 years old, all four limbs paralyzed. The objective is to introduce innovative and latest generation technology to treat neurological injuries and diseases. In the past, Musk has said that his company aims – among other things – to restore sight even to those born blind and to repair a broken spinal cord.

How the chip is implanted in the brain

Elon Musk’s goal is to create a network of clinics capable of implanting the chip within a few minutes. In reality, however, the operation is much more complex. The surgeon’s work lasts at least two hours, plus 25 minutes of the work of a robot that he applies to the brain electrodes and very thin wires – 64 in all – connected to the chip which will replace the small portion of the skull removed.

How much does the system cost?

This operation will cost Neuralink a lot 10 thousand dollars about to transplant. When this becomes a paid service, the company will ask for up to 40 thousand dollars.

Elon Musk’s ultimate goal, in reality, is to create a “superman”: a person who dreams of becoming a cyborg, who therefore has supernatural abilities thanks to the contribution of high technology.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.