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Neuralink: what the implant in the brain created by Musk is and how it works

In these hours there is a lot of talk about Neuralink, Elon Musk’s company which is said to have implanted the first chip in a man’s brain: but what is it and how does it work? Let’s find out together

There is no doubt that Elon Musk is one of the pioneers of the future of human beings, as much as he is a very tormented man. From robotic neurosurgery to electric cars: every technological field is at his feet. Regardless of the individual’s personal problems, in these hours it seems that the Neuralink company, a company headed by Musk, has achieved another great goal for humanity: the successful implantation of a brain chip inside a human being. And if this may seem dystopian to you, let us explain what this new type of technology is and how it works.

Neuralink: what the implant in the brain created by Musk is and how it works

Neuralink implanted the first chip in a man’s brain

Neuralink is Musk’s company that deals with the research and development of chips to be implanted in the brain and which can then be connected to a computer. As always works in science, when the results have been stably and successfully obtained in animals, we inevitably move on to humans. And this is how last Sunday, according to what Musk announced on Monday, Neuralink has successfully accomplished the installation of a brain chip inside a human being. Although no precise data has been released, Musk said that the person is recovering and the initial results are promising, although it will take several months to have the first data.

Neuralink has been authorized by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the US federal agency that controls and regulates everything relating to drugs and medical devices, to move on to human trials. Nothing shady or suspicious, therefore, but everything done in the open. If everything really goes well, in the next few years we could see the first chips that can be installed in the brain put on the market. And why should it be so important for humans?

How did the idea come about?

Founded in 2016, Neuralink aims to develop systems that can put the human brain in direct communication with an external electronic device, such as a computer. As is obvious to connect, the first category of people who would benefit from it would obviously be patients suffering from paralysis or complete degenerative diseaseswho could return to communicating or moving their limbs using suitable prostheses.

The objectives currently they are much more earthly: have a patient suffering from paralysis move a computer cursor using only his own brain connections. Which should hopefully allow it to communicate better with the environment, faster and more precisely.

Neuralink: what the implant in the brain created by Musk is and how it works

Neuralink: dystopia or hope?

In short, no Black Mirror, at least for now. Neuralink currently has much less ambitious goals than the dystopia that many have already imagined: a future in which, perhaps, even those who currently have no possibility of returning to live, walk, talk, can finally find a way. Continue to follow us here on!