Neuralink mostrerà gli impianti cerebrali a un evento di Halloween thumbnail

Neuralink will be showing brain implants at a Halloween event

Elon Musk announced the next event of Neuralinkthe company that makes installations cerebralwhich we could wait for October 31: Halloween night. No further details about it. But after the last demo showed a monkey playing Pong with the thought, the expectations are quite high.

Neuralink, brain implant event scheduled for Halloween

Musk announced it with a tweet, which almost suggests that the event is just a joke. An update on the project to implant chips in the brains of animals and one day maybe humans for Halloween? It sounded like a joke about a Frankestein monster in Silicon Valley style. But instead the event seems to be taking place.

The last time Neuralink showed its progress, we saw a monkey playing Pong, the classic video game. Something he had impressed many commentatorsi, but also aroused the allegations of animal rights activists.

NeuraLink monkey pong with the mind min

A few months ago there was talk of the possibility of starting the testing of implants on humans, even if another startup beat Neuralink on time.

However, animal rights protests and competition are not the only problems for society. The company has not started human trials e the FDA has not yet approved this practice for Neuralink. And many of the co-founders of the startup Musk bought have left the company. And with Fortune reporting an unsustainable work culture (e an “absent CEO”), an event that reassures shareholders seems necessary.

Also because there are rumors that Neuralink can invest in rival syncwhich instead started installing the first brain-computer interface in a human. Elon Musk’s company could announce the acquisition (if it actually took place), buying himself a result that he has not been able to achieve in the laboratory.

The questions are many, but maybe they could melt him on Halloween night with the Neuralink event. Unless it is one of the typical ‘jokes’ of the period.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.