New Pokémon Snap: how to get Lumina and Cristalfiore Spheres on all islands

If you are wondering how to get all the Lumina Spheres and the Crystals on the islands of New Pokémon Snap, this guide is for you

If you are a true fan of one of the videogame series, and not only, the longest ever, surely you will not have missed the opportunity to catch them with every existing Pokéball. On the occasion of the 25th anniversary, Nintendo however gives you the opportunity to also capture them through a camera lens. In this new adventure you will have to immortalize the various Pokémon during the most normal acts of their life; you can in fact photograph them while they eat, while they sleep or while they play.

Your task will be to get as many stars as possible with your photos. If you want to know how to get the most stars, we invite you to read our guides. On the site you can in fact find out how to get the most stars while photographing Murkrow, Sylveon, Ducklett and many others. To do this, however, you will need special items such as Lumina Spheres or Fluffy Apples. Let’s start this guide and see how to get all the Lumina Spheres and the Crystals on all the islands of New Pokémon Snap.

How to get all the Lumina Orbs from all the islands of New Pokémon Snap

The process for unlocking the Lumina Orbs is almost similar on all islands, although it only varies in a few aspects each time. Once the level is unlocked, the player will begin to venture into the first stage. To have more details on the levels and to find out how many are in the game, we invite you to read our guide. Along the way of exploration we will receive some clues regarding the Lumina phenomenon.

The key to everything however lies in the Cristalfiore. Not in all levels you can find one of these special flowers and in those few in which it will be possible we will find only one, but we will deal with this later by explaining where to find them. Once we have found these particular objects we will be able to unlock the Lumina Spheres on each island in the game. All you have to do will be photograph these particular flowers and you will unlock the Spheres.

However, once this is done it could happen that there is no possibility to instantly activate these powerful devices. All you have to do is be a little patient. For example in the first level, the Floreo Natural Park, you will be guided step by step to unlock this phenomenon. However, this is not always the case and that is why below we report all the places where you can find all the Cristalfiore.

New Pokémon Snap: how to get Lumina and Cristalfiore Spheres on all islands

Where to find the Crystals on all the islands of New Pokémon Snap

Below are all the places and levels where you will find the various special flowers:

  • Floreo Island – Floreo Natural Park (night): on the left, next to the Pinsir hidden underground
  • Belusylva Island – Arboros Jungle (night): next to Quagsire asleep at the end of the level
  • Voluca Island – Sabbrucia Desert (night): Before sliding down the hill, after seeing the oasis, look for the glowing cliff on the right. Look back and wait if you have missed it
  • Maricopia Island – Lentil seabed (seabed): Behind the Lumineon asleep in the algae, to the right after starting the level. Throw the Soft Apple to wake him up and make him move
  • Durice Island – Piana Kongelo (night): in the middle of the stage you will find yourself in a large open area. Look inside the crack and be ready because it only appears for a short time
  • Isola Aurus – Rovine Rifujo: on the right at the beginning. Turn around after the Eldegoss Pack has flown away to find the Crystal Flower on the canyon wall

Here ends this short guide on how to get the Lumina Spheres and where to find all the Crystals of New Pokémon Snap. What do you think of this new Nintendo title? Let us know yours as always in the comments. In order not to miss further and important guides on how to photograph the various pokémon present, continue to follow the pages of If, on the other hand, you are interested in game keys at advantageous prices, we recommend that you take a look at the catalog of Instant Gaming!