Nintendo Switch diventa gigante grazie ad Orion: ecco di cosa si tratta thumbnail

Nintendo Switch becomes giant thanks to Orion: that’s what it is

The fundraising organized on IndieGoGo from the US company UpSwitch was a success and the company is preparing to ship the first units of Orion: it is an accessory designed to Nintendo Switch really special, since it adds a screen from 11.6 in portable to the console of the big N, capable of interfacing directly with the operating system and functioning as a sort of travel dock.

Orion is ready to arrive on Nintendo Switch

UpSwitch was founded in Kent, Ohio by several former employees from companies such as Nintendo and Microsoft. The company has been trying for some time now to carve out its small space in the panorama of distributors of Switch accessories, and is doing so through the development of a multifunction monitor dedicated to the Nintendo hybrid console, Orion precisely.

The Orion panel measures nicely 11.6 inches diagonally, ultimately resulting in 188% larger than the touchscreen size of the base model of the Nintendo Switch. The way it works is very simple: the device is able to interface directly to the console’s operating system, through a special connector, and functioning in all respects as a travel dock.

Unfortunately UpSwitch hasn’t specified anything about its accessory’s ability to perform l’upscaling at 1080p of the video signal transmitted by the console, as does the official version of the dock, so it cannot be ruled out that the video output can remain in 720p.

What we do know for sure is that Orion will have uof batteries and 10.000 mAh, a 3.5 headphone connector, and two stereo speakers, one USB Type-C e HDMI and a stand to keep the monitor raised on a flat surface for ease of use. Net of the doubt about the resolution, it is undoubtedly an interesting product, and if you are interested it is available at a cost of 249 dollars on the official website of IndieGoGo.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.