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Nintendo Switch Calendar #5: Super Mario Odyssey micro-review

The King returns home: it was also time for the Advent Calendar to dedicate a review to Super Mario Odyssey… in fifth place?!

Yes, you probably haven’t caught the quote to Nintendo Official Magazine (defining the “house of the King” Super Mario Sunshine, just in case): you’ll probably be more surprised to see the review dedicated to Super Mario Odyssey open the top five. In fact, if you want a plumber adventure, this is the worthy successor to the Nintendo 64 adventure you’ve been looking for. Not Sunshine, and in a way not even Galaxy. At the same time, it would have been nice to see a real open world twist, but as we have already said it was Bowser’s Fury that defined the floor plans. Even with his maxi-levels/worldshowever, Odyssey remains one of essential of Nintendo Switch.

Super Mario Odyssey, twenty-first review of the Nintendo Switch Calendar

The narrative premise of Super Mario Odyssey winks at the most mischievous fans: is it possible that Bowser always kidnaps Princess Peach without an ulterior motive? Leaving aside the fact that (as also implied by the feature film scheduled for next April) such a kidnapping has a strategic goal, this time the aim is to marriage. Chasing the Koopa king to the altar is the pretext that he will guide us through the various kingdoms, each of which houses one of the Broodals (wedding planner straddling rabbits and Bowserotti in terms of design) guarding the corresponding wedding specialty of the place.

Cappy, the specter that has taken the place of Mario’s classic cap, not only allows us to attack and move. In a real “Kirby moment” for the series, the newcomer also allows you to transfer your consciousness inside enemies and sometimes even inanimate objects such as manhole covers or cars. The result gives further variety to the largest triumph of gameplay ideas that the series has ever seen in recent years. Of course, there’s no shortage of nostalgic goodies in a Nintendo product, but aside from the 8-bit sections on the walls, a Super Mario 64-inspired postgame, and Donkey Kong’s construction site that evolved into a metropolis, this is a Mario game that look more to the future than to the past.

Now it’s up to you to tell us yours: where would you have placed the game in the ranking? Let us know below, and as always, don’t forget to stay on for all the most important news for gamers and more. For your purely gaming needs, you can instead find the best discounts in digital format on Instant Gaming.