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Nintendo Switch Calendar #8: Quake micro-review

The Lovecraftian tremor repaints Nintendo’s already crimson hues red: the Advent Calendar re-proposes the Quake review

There is no greater honor that a title under consideration can aspire to than to be played even after its own reviewand this is what we can also say about Quake. The reissue of this great classic has arrived Nintendo Switch in great sweep. Although the horror influences make the game perhaps not very suitable in tone for ours Advent Calendar it is true that, thanks to a split-screen multiplayer like LAN rooms, the final result is, simply, the best experience that a first-person shooter can give you on the hybrid console. There is a reason, on the other hand, if the show of Bethesda it’s called Quakecon.

Quake, eighteenth review of the Nintendo Switch Calendar

The primary inspiration of the spiritual successor of the classic DOOM duology, instead of the classic hell of the latter, is instead the output of HP Lovecraft. We will therefore deal with incomprehensible horrors, but never forgetting that while making the enemies viscerally tangible thanks to the transition from sprites to polygons, they are the ones who are trapped with us and not the other way around. Everything, then, is entirely usable in co-op, and is further multiplied by the amount of content put on the plate. Naturally, the level design is (mostly) claustrophobic reduced compared to Serious Sam Collection. However, comparing performance stability and (above all) price, there is really no competition.

Even in the face of its expansions (which compensate for the fact that it is “only” the phenomenal progenitor, unlike the Serious Sam trilogy), however, for the writer the flagship of this port is the competitive multiplayer. Let’s be clear: if even the first Unreal Tournament of 1999 received a Nintendo Switch version, instead of the song Sensations of Unreality and some posters in Fortnite homes, we would probably be talking about him. However, if you feel even a hint of interest in deathmatches and company and you don’t need the semi-parody atmosphere of Serious Sam to sweeten the experience, this is the Christmas purchase for you.

Now it’s up to you to tell us yours! Which shooter would you recommend for console? Let us know below, and as always, don’t forget to stay on for all the most important news for gamers and more. For your purely gaming needs, you can instead find the best discounts in digital format on Instant Gaming.