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Nissan Formula E team: sustainable racing technology

The Nissan Formula E Team has always viewed the sport as an exhilarating fusion of cutting-edge technology, sustainability and thrilling competition. Let’s find out more closely the point of view of the Japanese racing team!

Nissan believes that Formula E is much more than just a sport motorsport: it represents a profound change towards a future greener and smarter. Nissan is fully committed to pushing the limits for both vehicles and drivers while delivering a significant contribution to society. With decades of experience in electrified powertrains, the Nissan Formula E Team leverages its extensive know-how to improve performance of its electric racing vehicles.

Nissan Formula E team: sustainable racing technology

All Formula E Gen3 vehicles use a common battery and have a maximum power of 350 kW. What distinguishes Formula E from other motorsports is the role played by strategic energy management. Each driver hits the track with a mix of race strategy and key decisions to be taken in fractions of a second.

The fun side of electric

The futuristic sound of Formula E is approx 80 decibel, just 10 more than the average for road cars. This low noise level allows Formula E races to take place closer to urban centers and to attract a wider audience. It’s an event he can enjoy the whole family. Formula E is also playing a vital role in educating drivers about exciting performances of electric vehicles.

Nissan Formula E team: sustainable racing technology

Like other motor sports, Formula E attaches great importance to pilots’ decision-making process, rapid reaction times and resistance to stress and fatigue. The program Brain to Performance of the Nissan Formula E Team, uses imaging and cutting-edge brain analysis to identify the unique anatomical characteristics of the brains of professional pilots. Through the brain mappinga customized driver training program is then created for optimize their performance driving.

Nissan Formula E team: zero emissions priority

Formula E is the only FIA World Championship for fully electric single-seaters the first global sport to be certified with a net zero carbon footprint. The Nissan Formula E Team and other participants are delivering innovative driving experiences and exhilarating through a commitment to zero-emission solutions and sustainable practices.

Nissan Formula E team: sustainable racing technology

Nissan, the world’s first mass-market electric vehicle company and the only Japanese car manufacturer in Formula E, will appear on the starting grid on March 30th at the inaugural Formula E race in Japan. Everyone is invited to be part of this emotion, to enjoy it exciting blend of high-speed action and technology pioneering company that supports the cause of zero-impact transport.

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