No Man's Sky: Frontiers è la nuova espansione gratuita del gioco thumbnail

No Man’s Sky: Frontiers is the new free expansion of the game

No Man’s Sky has just turned five and for the occasion the boys of Hello Games have released a celebratory trailer that covers all 16 major updates that the game has received over the years. The video, however, does not just look at the past, but also provides us with a small window into the future, announcing No Man’s Sky Frontiers, which according to what has been revealed should be out very soon.

No Man’s Sky Frontiers: a new expansion on the horizon

It’s already been five years since No Man’s Sky first hit the market. A debut, that of the game by Hello Games, which certainly cannot be defined as a 360-degree success. In fact, the title at launch was very different and very limited in the game mechanics compared to what was promised by the developers in the communication, but over the years the same software has been able to work to add what was missing to No Man’s Sky.

Now, after 16 full-bodied updates, Hello Games doesn’t seem willing to stop, given that with the video celebrating the fifth anniversary of the game, it confirmed the arrival of Frontiers, a new expansion aimed at further expanding the playful offer of the game.

No Man's Sky: Frontiers

We still don’t know what Frontiers will be about specifically, but given the name of the expansion it is very likely that it will further expand the already almost infinite game universe, with new activities to do and planets to explore. Furthermore, like all the other expansions seen so far, this one will also be made available free of charge for all users.

It’s hard to even imagine what Frontiers might introduce in detail, but Hello Games has stated that thanks to this new update to the game a fundamental piece will be added, making it the perfect expansion for the fifth year of No Man’s Sky.

Life, death and rebirth

As we told you in the last paragraph, No Man’s Sky had one of the most controversial launches in recent history, of the events we have already talked about in depth here. In fact, the day one of the game lacked a long series of features promised by the developers in the communication, also due to a pounding and unsuitable marketing campaign set up by Sony.

Fortunately Sean Murray, founder of Hello Games, has been able to revive the fortunes of a product considered a failure right from the start, to the sound of expansions, updates e patch corrective. All these updates have profoundly changed the game, which today is finally a complete and enjoyable product for anyone who appreciates space exploration.

No Man's Sky: Frontiers is the new free expansion of the game

The last update was that of No Man’s Sky Next, which introduced a multiplayer system that finally allowed players to discover a set of secrets of the galaxy, along with a series of improvements to the various game mechanics already introduced with previous updates.

Hello Games overall has done a great job of turning No Man’s Sky into an experience that lives up to expectations and we can’t wait to see what the software has in store for us at Frontiers.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.